@Flames de Calgary

Excursion scolaire de Tillie

« Ils ont toujours des fuites sur leurs chemises » a un potentiel de mème de premier ordre



  1. HumbleInterest

    Instant classic.

    *shows the oilers logo*

    « initial thoughts…? Feelings… When you see this…? »

    *Kid gives emphatic thumbs down* 

  2. Murphster94

    Great video, Tillie content will get us through the rebuild!

  3. Mother_Barnacle_7448

    Tillie is such a great little representative for the Flames. I wonder if she’ll grow up to play women’s hockey? We’ll all be able to say, “I remember Tillie when she was knee-high to a grasshopper.” 😀👍🏻🏒

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