@Ligue nationale de hockey

Liste du nombre de séries de matchs consécutifs dont dispose chaque équipe au cours de la prochaine saison 2024-2025.

Liste du nombre de séries de matchs consécutifs dont dispose chaque équipe au cours de la prochaine saison 2024-2025.



  1. My apologies for it being an image. I could not get it to post as a text post with a table.

  2. goleafsgo88

    I get the excessive amount of back to backs with the mid-season break this year for the Four Nations Cup, but do they almost all have to be with travel? 14 of the 16 that the Leafs have include travel. At least have a few more of them be at home for both games.

  3. HurricanePirate16

    As if the ridiculously long road trips at the very beginning and end of the season weren’t enough. Fuck us huh?

  4. JarmaBeanhead

    Does this mean like.. 14 games, 7 back to backs, or 14 back to backs for 28 games? I’m assuming the latter but

  5. Bubbly_Persimmon6487

    I suspect teams with a busy arena for other things than hockey get more back to back.

  6. 1984Literally1984

    Why do they do back to backs? Is that not physically and mentally exhausting? I feel like that would cause much more hard, more room for injury and poor performance

  7. Sportsfan4206910

    Ok, who hates Carolina? Edit: and Toronto

  8. Many_Debate_7159

    I’m not a Toronto fan, but does anybody know why Toronto always seems to have the most back-to-back games in the NHL? I do see the Carolina has 16 games as well

  9. More back to backs due that week off every team gets

  10. The_Comic_Collector

    I think we should ban all back to backs that aren’t divisional or against the same team on both nights

  11. JerbearCuddles

    I mostly feel bad for Edmonton. If you look at a map with NHL teams and where they are located. The Eastern teams are really close together. Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and now Seattle are all far off North West. Look at where Chicago, St Louis and Nashville are on a map. They are super far from the Western Canadian teams.

    I think Edmonton got shit on hardest by the schedule makers personally. But without knowing who they’re playing and where. It’s purely speculative.

  12. mango-thrower

    I think this affects older rosters more. I used to be able to play hockey several days in a row but that quickly went to hell as I got older.

  13. sandiercy

    Vancouver used to get so many, now they are 2nd least, I like it.

  14. tilldeathdoiparty

    Metropolitan division back-to-backs aren’t the same same Pacific division back-to-backs

  15. publicworker69

    Back to backs shouldn’t be a thing. It makes no sense.

  16. Bennett_19

    Something, something, the NHL is obviously rigged

  17. MHavlat9

    How about listing back to backs where one team is playing 2nd game in 2 nights and the other team isn’t. I’ve always thought they need to do a better job of avoiding that

    And during covid when they’d play games back to back in one city to avoid travel. NBA does that.

  18. scumbagstaceysEx

    Well 12 is better than the 16 we had last year

  19. k1ngp1ne

    If only there was a way to sort numbers from highest to lowest to enhance readability…

  20. McMetal770

    If you’re interested, the average for this list is around 12.5 B2B games per team.

  21. Judge_Tredd

    I liked a couple years ago when we played two games vs the leafs when both games were the second half of leaf b2bs.

  22. PorscheUberAlles

    How does it feel to be god’s favorite, Winnipeg?

  23. I think this is inaccurate, I count 12 back to back for flyers, 9 for penguins

  24. umbraviscus

    I understand a little disparity. It’s impossible to get it perfect.

    But can somebody explain to me how some teams have 16 and some teams have 8? Double the amount of back to backs is pretty unreasonable, to say the least.

    8/82 rounded is 10%. 16/82 rounded is 20%. Imo that isn’t really acceptable.

    League has been around for over a hundred years, you would think they’d make scheduling at least a little bit balanced.

  25. Cold_Breadfruit_9794

    Obvs the league favours Winnipeg /s

  26. Unholydiver919

    Carolina screwed again right with Toronto.

  27. ReformedGalaxy

    How is this fair? You have teams with twice as many b2b as Winnipeg. If I recall correctly, there was a year where the islanders started the season with 8 away games. Scheduling has always been stupid in the NHL.

  28. Tootz3125

    Surprised the jets only have 8 considering how normally the league back loads us with a heavy month at some point. Makes sense with how much they travel compared to other cities, I’m just surprised.

  29. Geralt-of-Rivai

    I feel like the amount of back to back games should be even for all teams, no?

  30. Sensitive_Mousse_445

    How the fuck does Winnipeg only get 8, while some teams get double?

  31. No_Text2460

    Are these back to back games bad? NBA does it

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