@Devils du New Jersey

Un échange entre Brady Tkachuk et les Devils du New Jersey est en préparation ?!?

Depuis des mois, je parle de la façon dont Brady Tkachuk des Sénateurs d’Ottawa serait un ajout incroyable à l’alignement des Devils du New Jersey. J’ai dit à quel point je pense qu’il serait magique pour la franchise. Il y a eu d’innombrables rumeurs et spéculations sur l’endroit où il pourrait finir, tandis que le directeur général des Sénateurs d’Ottawa, Steve Staios, a catégoriquement nié tout cela. Je réfléchis depuis un jour ou deux… Comment le directeur général des Devils du New Jersey, Tom Fitzgerald, n’a-t-il pas réussi à recruter un attaquant du Top 6 lors du repêchage de la LNH ou de l’agence libre de la LNH ? J’ai commencé à tout analyser et j’ai élaboré une théorie trèèèèèèèès intéressante. Je suis peut-être dans le délire, mais peut-être pas ! J’en parle dans cette vidéo. Il y a un mois, j’ai publié une vidéo expliquant tous les liens entre Brady Tkachuk et les Devils/l’État du New Jersey, vous pouvez la voir ici : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXntHuZepeE&t=204s Faites-moi part de vos réflexions dans les commentaires. #BringBradyToNJ Regardez nos autres vidéos sur la couverture des Devils ! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu sur les Devils à venir ! https://www.youtube.com/@runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 Suivez-nous sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7BYmvZzdWiRfnEZzZA8RJd Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ Suivez-nous sur X : https://www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ #njdevils #bradytkachuk #newjerseydevils #tkachuk #devils #nhltrade #nhltrades #nhltraderumor #ottawasenators #senators #nhltraderumors #sens #hockeytrade #hockeytrades #njdevilspodcast #newjerseydevilspodcast #nhl #hockey


  1. It would be the only explanation why Mercer’s contract hasn’t been extended but I don’t know still feels like a stretch.

    We’ll see I love that Tatar is back but I feel like putting him in the top 6 is just a pivot

  2. Can we stop, good idea waste all the cap space for no reason in this off season. Devil fans are sheep man they believe everything.

  3. Helluva dream Ace. Of course, you're not incorporating Palat's No Move Clause. I used to dream up similar scenarios decades ago, but I got tired of being perpetually wrong.

  4. Said the same thing on a different site but it would have to be a 3 team trade with Palat moving in to a different team (Nashville) because if his NTC. We would have to include both Mercer and Nemec with Palat and some high picks/prospects so Ottawa could retain some of Palat’s contract so Nashville could want and afford him. Nobody’s is taking him at 6 mil but if Ottawa retains 2-3 mil maybe they would. Still a long shot.

  5. Weird that they traded for Kovacevic … a regular on the Habs … just to sit in the press box as a 7th D when you already have DeSimone.

    Unless there is another move coming! (I hope you're right, dude! )

  6. Hey Ace, what's up brother?..I have a quick question..who is Rutger McGroarty, and is he any good?..thanks Ace, just wondering, I never heard of him before, and that's on me my friend..Peace ✌️👹

  7. Honestly I’d give up Jack for Brady. Jack is our Huberdeau. Shoot me. After watching the playoffs it just reinforces my belief is that Jack wouldn’t get past 2 rounds if that. The physicality is just ridiculous. Can Jack even make it through the regular season without a big injury? Devil fans – you can’t win a championship when your best player is 5’10” 167. Shasha Barkov is 6’3” 220. Brady as a Devil? Better than getting Kovy.

  8. Palat would never waive to go to Ottowa, unless Fitz has a backup plan to get the 8.3 mil cap space you would need, Palat can kill this deal in 2 seconds.

  9. Edit: Getting Kovy back in the day was tremendous. Getting Brady in the Red and Black would be even more tremendous. (Plus zero chance Brady would quit the team and head back home. Hahahahaha. In this case Arizona?)

  10. I’m thinking something like this is the only reason that makes this Tatar deal make sense. If Palat, Mercer, etc. are going to be moved out to make room for (hopefully) Brady.

  11. It would cost Mercer, and Bratt to acquire Tkachuk. Ottawa losing Brady, would be the equivalent of losing Hughes. Ottawa hasn't made the postseason in 7 years, they do not want to be in a forever rebuild. The Sens have elite talent around Tkachuk like Stutzle, and Sanderson. Also remember, Brady signed with Ottawa for 8 years. Unlike Matthew, who signed a 2 year bridge deal with Calgary.

  12. Its not gonna happen i dknt know why people are talking about this or giving it the time of day. I have Really good sources that say this is bullshit.

  13. The Devils Ticket sales called me to brag and ask me what I thought. I said team has improved and waiting on top winger. Although everyone can be an armchair critic, there's always things going on not yet reported. Brady has been practicing in Red Bank and it's not completely out of the picture.

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