@Red Wings de Détroit

Cam Talbot rejoint les Red Wings de Détroit

Le nouveau gardien de but des Red Wings, Cam Talbot, s’adresse aux médias après avoir rejoint l’équipe via le marché des joueurs autonomes le 1er juillet 2024


  1. Can’t decide if LegArms looks more Wolverine or Sabertooth with that facial hair. Or more aptly Bob “Bull” Hurley from Over the Top 🔥😛

  2. Some of these questions felt really surface level and boring, but I'm glad to hear he feels like he and his family will get to settle in a bit more. He's worked hard for this career, so it'd be nice for him to find a spot to settle and be happy.

  3. Lyons has another year at $950k I think, and he was solid last season. Got to believe Husso is going somewhere….

  4. I do like Reimer but he was stressful to watch at times. I think Cam will be an upgrade. Happy about this one

  5. Ok so let’s trade husso for something, we need to get someone at forward since we didn’t sign anyone in free agency

  6. Can we stop letting Helene ask questions, please? Way to set the horrific tone. Some of us actually like the people who play for Detroit sports teams. Get your head out of your a$$.

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