@Rangers de New York

Trouba au centre de l’attention après avoir appris qu’il avait refusé un échange avec Détroit – The Hockey Guy

Trouba au centre de l’attention après avoir appris qu’il avait refusé un échange avec Détroit – The Hockey Guy



  1. R4vi0981

    Love the Hockey Guy, starting to really dislike Trouba (The person).

  2. Anyawnomous

    There is probably a lot more going on here of which most hockey guys are not aware. It will work out in time. I have faith in the new order.

  3. NoReplacement9001

    bUt hEs SpECiaL, hE hAS a fAmILy, nO oTHEr pLayER hAS onE

  4. albynomonk

    Drury has gotten this team to the place where no UFA worth a damn will sign here. NTC/NMC means nothing to him. That aside, I 100% support Trouba. He signed here with a NTC for a reason, Drury needs to live with it.

  5. bdonnzzz

    If he isn’t going anywhere for the time being then we suck it up and root for him to bounce back. He’s at his lowest trade value to date currently anyway so when the regular season starts and more headway has been made in discussions, hopefully we can get a better return then too

  6. SoberBarney

    Trouba did what he should have. He got the NMC for the timing of when he thought the residency would be.

    The timing really sucks but he still has some leverage and I don’t blame him using it, he should.

    I also don’t really buy the rumors that he’s telling folks he won’t show. You could call that bluff if you could find a team that thinks he won’t actually leave money on the table. $16mm over the next two years is probably as much he’d make the rest of his career if it was terminated and he signed elsewhere cheaper

  7. relative_iterator

    Love Shannon but one thing he’s wrong on, I don’t think any ranger fans would be upset if we don’t get a decent return for Trouba. Most fans want to buy him out so a one way trade would be even better.

  8. phloyd77

    This guy is gonna get booed if he doesn’t come out at 💯 game one. Rangers fans aren’t dumb. They know his cock block kept us from signing any short term UFAs and will hamstring us at the end of next season when we have to resign so many people. I have a lot mixed feelings about it, but at the end of the day, he is not earning his paycheck and will quickly end up being a scapegoat next season.

  9. Sam_the_goat

    Trouba should have agreed to a smaller contract value if he wanted more protection on not being able to be moved right? I don’t feel bad for him.

  10. hockeyhow7

    I’m ok with giving away a pick and receiving nothing in return to get rid of this guy.

  11. Nyrfan2017

    Honestly right now it’s like what’s the point moving him all the top FA are signed.. he should be booed out of the garden

  12. Wade_Gustafson

    What I would say if I was Drury:

    « Jacob, we signed you to this deal and gave you the C because we believed in you. We still value what you bring to the team. Your intensity, your presence in the locker room. That still matters to us and your teammates. Your play in the postseason has hurt us. You’ve taken yourself out of position, you’ve made bad decisions, and you’ve cost us games. At this point, we want you on the team but we need to get better and we need cap space to do that. Would you consider a restructured deal that pays you $4mm annually, and maybe we’ll add a few extra years to it? »

    In all likelihood Trouba says no effing way in which case the response is well sorry this is a business. We are going to try and move you. We’ll do what we can with your wife’s residency, maybe they launch a charity program with some hospital in Detroit or wherever.

    If he still balks…. buy him out.

    The team needs D who can move the puck accurately and quickly. The more I think about the FLA series the more I think it all starts with the NYR D. 10-93-20 did not perform but they hardly had the puck because the D couldn’t make accurate, crisp passes and Trouba was far and away the worst offender.

    If all these rumors are true.. it sucks for him and his wife. I get it. But the window is closing on this team and unfortunately the team will be better without him.

  13. jkman61494

    Trouba and the coaches possibly cost us a Cup with the insistence he stay in the lineup with 1 operational foot. And now he’ll be a chase we didn’t sign any decent UFAs.

    If he thinks life will suck in Detroit. Just wait until the fans get a hold of him at MSG

  14. sentry_87

    Keep him as the third pairing over the course of the season. Maybe even dress and bench him and roll with 5 every once in a while until he steps up.

  15. swiftkickinthedick

    Here’s the approach I take if I’m Drury. “Restructure your contract and we won’t trade you. If you don’t want to restructure then you will be traded to one of the teams not on your modified NTC.” If trouba REALLY wanted to stay that should force/convince to stay for the sake of his family. He’s made over 50 mil in his career. Money should not be a concern for him

  16. DrAnklePumps

    Really glad that the fans don’t get a say in where Trouba goes. I’m expecting him to come out strong next season with a rangers jersey on and that C on his chest.

    I’m also glad that he valued his wife’s residency enough to include a NTC in his contract when he signed and is now using that clause as intended to make sure his family doesn’t have to move, as it is next to impossible to change hospital residencies. That’s exactly how strong union representation and worker’s rights are supposed to work. 

  17. hiC_best_drank_ever

    Drury is playing chess. Never intended to trade Trouba. The media circus is going to galvanize the team around Trouba. They’ll win the President’s trophy again next year, and the cup.

    Someone remind me to check on this comment in a year.

  18. future4cast

    Nearly every player has family considerations. He is no different in this regard. He should honour the teams not on his no trade list and report. Players accept multimillion contracts and moving goes with the territory.

  19. wheresmylatte88

    Wondering when fans will stop gaslighting this guy and his wife and move on. Is this “fanbase“ really going to boo our captain on opening night after the best record in franchise history and pretend he and his cap hit is the only reason we didn’t get the Cup?

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