@Sabres de Buffalo

Eh bien, nous nous faisons avoir par le calendrier

Eh bien, nous nous faisons avoir par le calendrier



  1. phatsystem

    That’s a 13 game swing. CBJ is +6 vs us at -7. That’s pretty wild.

  2. BurgerFeazt

    This is a nothing (in my opinion). Everyone plays 82 games over the same time frame. If anything they catch a break by getting 2 out of the way off the bat followed by 4 days rest to recover from the time change

  3. Consider_Kind_2967

    Yikes, that’s frustrating. We’ve the worst differential in the league (-7). The next two worst are -6 and -4.

    Rest matters, too: **[Rest makes a major difference in NHL performance](https://www.tsn.ca/yost-rest-makes-a-major-difference-in-nhl-performance-1.120073)**

    *Over the past five years, NHL teams have averaged .108 fewer points per game when playing for the second straight night than they have when playing on one or more days rest.*

    *Earning .108 less of a possible two points represents about a 5% decrease in point production, and theoretically a 5% downgrade in win probability.*

  4. AcousticOcean26

    A lot bigger fish to fry with this team, but this is cheeks.

  5. schwarma_mcpotato

    lol league is like well they suck and they are not doing shit in the offseason, let’s bury them

  6. Spiritual_Bourbon

    That’s rough but can someone who understands this data better answer some questions? What makes a tired or rested game? Is it just a back to back? Is a back to back both being away games weighted the same as home and away? Is travel factored into the schedule at all?

  7. rustcity716

    Gonna really put that “youth isn’t an excuse, we’re experienced in NHL games” to the test

  8. TheFerricGenum

    Does anyone have this historically? I feel like I see this same graph every year with us at the bottom

  9. Hey now we have an excuse for missing the playoffs for a 14th consecutive season!

  10. buffaloj77

    No you’re not. You’re getting shafted by ownership for putting a shit product on the ice.

  11. Keep making excuses for these guys not to make it and they won’t. They’re professional fucking athletes they’ll be fine.

  12. tetracrux

    Clearly, as the reigning champion, we need to give everyone else a handicap.

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