@Kraken de Seattle

Conférence de presse du directeur général Ron Francis après l’agence libre de 2024

Conférence de presse du directeur général Ron Francis après l’agence libre de 2024



  1. SiccSemperTyrannis

    This is from the press conference on Monday, so it was before the Dumoulin trade today.

  2. Olbaidon

    Pretty standard GM talk, I like his explanation behind the picks though and his reasoning about spending vs the future of the cap.

    He makes too many mouth and throat noises which is a huge pet peeve of mine.

    Sounds like he really wanted Chandler to come to Seattle so he obviously sees high value in him on our roster.

    I don’t know about the Villeneuve stuff, had to read up on that. Was worried it was something super super crazy, sounds like stupid teens making bad decisions. If he makes the league I definitely would expect better from him though. I have a sneaking suspicion that type of stuff happens all the time from youth hockey and well into the NHL and he was dumb enough to display his ignorance publicly.

    All in all I’m still happy with the way things are going.

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