@Capitals de Washington

Oui Monsieur!

Oui Monsieur!



  1. MarylandThrowAwai

    I want alllll the updates, anyone here there this week? I remember reading a fans write up back in the day regarding Beagle. The fan was saying he’s in a different class than the rest of them, and destined to be a future cap, they nailed it.

  2. bobbimorses

    Some teams who didn’t pick him for this reason are gonna end up with regrets. Skating you can improve.

  3. DaniCapsFan

    If his goal song isn’t « Crystal Blue Persuasion, » I will protest.

  4. Status-Careful

    Don’t know anything about Cristal. How did we get him? Is he NHL ready? Was he on bears last two seasons. If so idk how I missed him in playoffs. Thanks for post tho!

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