@Kraken de Seattle





  1. YaBoyDake

    Seattle has gotta be in the « improved the team for sure » tier. They might have overpaid but it feels flatly obvious that these signings raised the quality of the roster.

  2. surfingeagles

    The Montour signing is starting to make more sense to me (except for the years). When Dunn went down, the PP was terrible and the transition game took a big hit. With this signing, I believe they are hoping Montour will help with that.

    Chandler I am still extremely confused about but will see what happens when training camp comes along.

  3. Big0Lgrinch

    How are the Caps doing great? Blackhawks are in the slam dunk tier?

    Nope, this chart is a mess.

  4. ErsoRoot

    I know the biggest complaint is that Seattle overpaid but tbh we kind of need to overpay to get highly touted players to come at this moment. Seattle isn’t really a cup contending team at the moment so what do we need to do to bring players here is offering high paying contracts.

    I’m going to stay positive here and see these 2 signing are a good move for the Kraken. They will be here for the next 7 years and I’m excited to see what will come. Hopefully they will provide great mentorship to the younger players

  5. tonytanti

    I think the Canucks didn’t really improve, maybe even got a little worse. DeBrusk is a step down from Lindholm and their adds on D didn’t really improve the team. Nashville did a pretty great job adding a bunch of high end scoring talent. The Canes lost a tonne of good players and is greatly diminished in my mind. Not much I really agree with in the list I guess. Seattle probably over paid in term but both players filled holes and the cap is expected to take a big jump in two years when the new CBA is negotiated.

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