@Kings de Los Angeles

Ce jour dans l’histoire des Kings (2009) : Les Kings signent Rob Scuderi

Le 2 juillet 2009, les Kings ont signé un contrat de quatre ans d’une valeur de 13,6 millions de dollars avec le défenseur Rob Scuderi, qui a enregistré 53 points, 236 coups sûrs et 444 tirs bloqués en 306 matchs et a remporté la Coupe Stanley avec les Kings en 2012.



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  2. kovacro_77

    He was nails. He and Willie Mitchell, two of the best free agent acquisitions in Kings history.

  3. Bardocck

    Can’t wait for one of these post some day that says “this day in kings history the franchise fired Rob Blake”

  4. AlarmingAdvertising5

    Those purple and white away jerseys were so cool

  5. trashking11

    Him and Matt Greene were my favourite defensemen on the kings growing up. Guys with little offensive talent but played hard nosed, physical hockey but also had a high IQ when it came to the defensive side of the game. I love those kinds of players.

  6. NoRedThat

    I met him at a college hockey game this past season. he was there scouting players for the predators. according to my wife, he was surprised and pleased to be recognized. couldn’t have been nicer as i reminded my son the kings couldn’t have won in 2012 with scuds. he was the epitome of the championship kings mentality.

  7. Hot-Zombie896

    He took one for the team back in 2012 to propel us to our 1st Stanley Cup!!!

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