@Flames de Calgary

Craig Conroy sur Sportsnet 960 ce matin sur Kylington

Craig Conroy sur Sportsnet 960 ce matin sur Kylington



  1. eugenejfish

    I have a lotta love for Kyli and everything he went through but if he ends up without an NHL contract this will be remembered as one of the biggest bag fumbles of all time

  2. RealAdamRoth

    Rapidly going from the best feel good story of 2024 to feel bad.

  3. Slayerkid13

    I don’t really know what the salary is like in European leagues but surely whatever he could get in the NHL would be way more.

    Maybe he goes home to Sweden if he doesn’t get what he’s looking for?

  4. MTBguy1774

    If Oliver wants to play in the NHL I think he better pick up the phone soon and give uncle Craig a call. Ask if it’s OK if he stays with him in Calgary for a year. Have a great, healthy season, then look at term if that’s what he wants. I can’t see teams who aren’t as close to the situation as Calgary are all that willing to give term. Especially if there’s only a handful of potential suitors to begin with.

    Without looking to deep into it, who would be shopping for a Kylington right now? San Jose? Utah? Columbus? I don’t think there’s many.

  5. Chemical_Signal2753

    The problem is that the teams that have playoff hopes are unlikely to sign a player who has only played half a season in two years, and the teams without playoff hopes tend to have an organization full of projects they need to find ice time for.

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