@Predators de Nashville

Ces mouvements changent tout pour eux.

L’agence libre de la LNH 2024, de grandes nouvelles et des signatures en plus de quelques échanges, en couvriront d’autres, mais cette saga de Steven Stamkos, Lightning de Tampa Bay, Prédateurs de Nashville, Jonathan Marchessault, Golden Knights de Vegas était honnêtement folle. Nouvelles de la LNH aujourd’hui, signatures d’agents libres, Brady Skjei Marchessault Stamkos, Nouvelles des Prédateurs de Nashville – Nous avons vu beaucoup d’échanges et de mouvements de la part des 32 équipes, mais ces deux-là ont fait les gros titres. Les nouvelles et les rumeurs de hockey de la LNH, les réactions et plus encore seront couvertes tout au long de la frénésie des agents libres. LNH 2024 #nhl #highlights #nhlnews #freeagency #hockey


  1. I love Nashville with my entire heart, but I would be lying to say that I am not wary of Stammer coming to town simply because he had 39/81 points on the power play and now will be tasked with fixing a power play that has gotten multiple assistants fired

  2. Probably same thing will happen to stamkos what happened with duchene and johansen😁

  3. Hey numbnutz, i see how scared you are of the oilers….ya can't talk about their trades. Cancelled you clown-show

  4. Nashville is going to be very good next season. They were definitely missing scoring against Vancouver in the playoffs which they were able to address today. Good for them!!

  5. If the Preds win a Cup, I could care less how poorly those contracts age: the cup was brought to Nashville, and if that happens, its mission accomplished for Trotz.

  6. I’m a Vegas fan and I’m sad beyond relief but it has to happen one day I hope they do well.

  7. Well, I don't think they are contenders now because of Stamkos and Marchessault. 4 of 6 top 6 forwards are 34 or older. And they have too much dead cap to add on trade deadline for next two years. After these 2 years, the forward top 6 core will be even older. Big big gamble by Trotz.

  8. Yeah preds got some great signings. They should be really fantastic for us if they stay healthy.

  9. Would love to hear more about what the 2024 playoff teams are doing, and how the moves they make will impact their 2025 bid.

  10. Why people keep asking us lighting fan how do we feel about his trade? This really sucks, our GM and the rest of the organization should be ashamed of themselves.

  11. man I am so stoked to have Steven Stamkos and Jonathan Marchessault on the Nashville Preds, Preds are going to be cooking this year ngl and the years to come hopefully as long as we keep Filip and Josi were stacked.

  12. If tampa actually offered stammer a 3 mil x 8 years contract its a slap in his face. Wtf kind of low ball bullshit is that. I get its a business but at the end of the day why not just not offer any contract instead of disrespecting your captian who lead you to 2 cups. Clowns if its true

  13. I have been a season ticketholder of the Nashville Predators for 24 years now… And that level of dynamic offense has been something that has alluded the franchise for its entire existence. All of us here in Nashville are absolutely ecstatic to have each of them. For the first time, it feels as though we can now roll three lines with confidence. This traditionally offensively anemic team just got a shot in the arm. Let's just keep in mind that Josi, Forsberg, and Saros aren't getting any younger either… Plus this also provides ample experience and learning opportunity for the youngsters within the organization. How I wish GMDP would have taken such a splash when he had Pekka in his prime. Leave it to Barry Trotz, a defensive-minded, from the-net-out coach turned GM, to bring it to us. Go Preds!!!

  14. Bolts fan here, our General Manager is a total clown. It is a business, but in all honesty, Julian was just being an egotistical Pompous Clown it was so bad. From Youtube/Radio/Twitter/Reddit we're all extremely super pissed and raising hell about it. We've already called Out Julian for being a hypocrite. Extending "Old guy headman" and adding Ryan McD. While also getting rid of a Young sergachev.

  15. The fact that Forsberg did what he did offensively with minimal help, makes me scared to think what can happen now with these two coming to Nashville. I am so excited to see this team in action.

  16. I love Stamkos but I don't hate what JBB did. Tampa was going downhill and they needed a retool like this. I don't want them to become like the pens and caps just because. I'm interested to see Stamkos' numbers without Kuch on the PP moving the puck around.

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