@Red Wings de Détroit

Des conclusions hâtives ? Les Red Wings de Détroit

Neal Ruhl, Darren McCarty et le reste de l’équipe BDE discutent des Red Wings de Détroit et des raisons pour lesquelles certaines personnes ont une confiance totale dans le directeur général Steve Yzerman et pourquoi d’autres non. Aimez, abonnez-vous et laissez votre commentaire ci-dessous ! #DetroitLions #NFL #WoodwardSports #DetroitRedWings #NHL #RedWings #Hockey #NHLDraft #PatrickKane Devenez membre de #WoodwardSports ! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8sYt4QHV6ZgOyL57ATacwQ/join Regardez nos émissions en direct sur YouTube 7 jours sur 7 ! Wake Up Woodward | Lundi-vendredi 8h-10h Big D Energy | Lundi-vendredi 11h-13h Ermanni et Edwards | Lundi-vendredi 14h-16h Woodward Heavyweights | Lundi-vendredi 17h-19h Suivez le réseau sportif Woodward ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/woodwardsports TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@woodwardsports?lang=en Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/woodwardsports/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/WoodwardSports/ Téléchargez notre application pour Apple : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wsn-live/id1553068845 Téléchargez notre application pour Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wsnlive.androidapp


  1. So many fans and rando media losing it over FA. SY isn't looking to build a one and done team blowing his entire load in FA. WTF even go to the draft if all you want are trades?

  2. to say Yzerman doesn't have a plan is silly! BUT… but to say that SteveY doesn't make mistakes is completely different. I think he made a mistake starting 2 years ago when he hit the gas in Free agency and started signing a bunch of guys instead of playing the youth, AND in turn missing out on even better players in 2 great drafts. Otherwise I love the fact that SteveY learned from his mistakes and didnt sign a bunch of old vets to horrible term contracts.

  3. I'm wondering if the log jam we have with defensive players may be because Stevie is ready to move on from some of these high level D prospects. It may be smart to get something now instead of waiting too long and ending up with a Zadina type situation if he feels they may not live up to potential.

  4. I find a lot of these arguments are just like politics unfortunately. Pick a side. You are either pro Stevie or you are not. SMH PRO STEVIE HERE

  5. First of all, if I was, Steve would not go for any of the big free agencies that are in their upper 30s waste of money in bad contracts I go for the younger youth thing of the future get ahead of all the other teams

  6. Im right there with you! Ive been taking receipts. And you know what's funny? These people wont leave a single comment once the labor of love starts showing up down the line.

    I had a guy earlier on instagram calling for Yzerman's job because he hasnt made the playoffs in 8 years. These people are criticizing Yzerman but dont even have their facts straight because theyre casuals and dont know hockey operations. 8 YEARS? Steve Yzerman just got done with his 4th season as the Wings gm you absolute bafoons.

    He's made a couple mistakes, but the real hockey fans still have complete faith in the Yzerplan. Context context context. Nuance nuance nuance.

  7. What has he shown us that’s not working: uuuummmmmm maybe winning…… winning enough to at least make the playoffs. And u can take the 60 seconds thing and jamming up ur (well, you know)

  8. I get the frustration. I have it as well, to some degree, then I cool off and take a look to see where this team is at. We were “spoiled” as fans to have this team make the ploffs, with 4 SC victories within those 25 yrs. I get it. We all want that back. It took Yzerman how many yrs when he played to win a cup? Something like 14 yrs to win after he got signed by the Wings in ‘83. Not saying he doesn’t make mistakes, but also not saying he’s a bad gm either.

  9. The Jim Harbaugh comparison is histarical lmao yeah it took Jim finally realizing he needed to get in the mud and cheat like OSU and the SEC to finally win. So unless Steve starts to cheat, let's not compare those 2 lol

  10. Wait, what has he shown me that it isn't working? Hmm, I don't know, we haven't even made an appearance in the playoffs in 5 years lol Steve is just a dude, he's not special. It sucks to realize, but it's the sad truth.

  11. Im just happy so far i haven't seen any contracts as bad as the Holl contract. All I want to see is Berggren and Johansson finally given spots, theve both earned it

  12. ANYONE who thinks Nashville will do ANYTHING significant overall is insane. This is 2024, NOT 2002 or even prior to.

  13. If anyone is a simp it’s McCarty lol he’s got blinders on. Everything yzerman does he mindlessly praises

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