@Flames de Calgary

Matvei Gridin ne va plus à l’Université du Michigan en raison de notes insuffisantes

Matvei Gridin ne va plus à l’Université du Michigan en raison de notes insuffisantes



  1. No_Heat_7327

    Well at least you can say whatever you want about him, because he probably can’t read.

    Sound it out junior.

  2. I’d be surprised if the Flames weren’t already aware of this prior to drafting him.

  3. AggravatingEar1465

    Damn, whenever I fucked up it was just between me and my academic advisor and a few other folks. Can’t imagine having that stuff aired out to everyone. 

  4. Is this a big deal? Seems like he was more focused on hockey than his grades

  5. OrganicRaspberry530

    The kid doesn’t need a degree to rip pucks bardownski

  6. Proper-Shelter9429

    Who needs Pythagoreans theorem when you can go bardownski

  7. Armchair-Gm-Podcast

    Not worried about it. Having great grades in an American college while not speaking fantastic English probably isn’t easy, and he’s a great hockey player. Hockey IQ is fairly high on this kid, at least offensively.

  8. Help-me-name-my-pup

    We drafted the smartest player with the 9th pick, had to balance it out by drafting the dumbest one at 28th.


  9. English isn’t his first language studying in a english speaking university when you aren’t native to the language is hard he shouldn’t be ashamed because of this and take the opportunity to prove himself in the Q

  10. Captain_Holtom

    Ray Edwards was on 960 this morning and literally said that they would all make a decision on where he was playing next year after the CHL import draft (also today), even though he was already committed to Michigan, so it sounds like the flames were very aware that the CHL was the likely route

  11. tristan1616

    All good as long as he’s smarter than Corey and Trevor. Those two are fucked

  12. Troflecopter

    This kid is burning the boats.

    When they interviewed him he was talking about winning the Stanley Cup.

    They asked him if it was his dream to play in the NHL. He said no, making the NHL was his goal, and now he has achieved it, but his dream was winning the Stanley Cup.

  13. itoadaso1

    Imagine being 18 years old already being disappointed with your grades and then having to see this infographic with your face on it being shared on social media mentioning it too. Poor kid. Hope he crushes it in the Q.

  14. Allankton

    Thats a tough headline to have written about ya. Hope the kid is successful in the Q.

  15. SmokeyXIII

    I really wish I didn’t read this, it’s way more personal than I’m comfortable with.

  16. Dazzling-Park4501

    Dion phaneuf pretty much just practiced his signature in school and said school didn’t matter because he was gonna be in the NhL.

  17. IwillFallLow

    It’s too bad he isn’t going to the Hitmen to get familiar with Calgary before transitioning to the wranglers.

  18. stinkybunger

    I wonder if theres anyway they can get him on the hitmen

  19. zombicuus

    Weird they left out the fact He went first over all in the CHL entry draft.

  20. tilldeathdoiparty

    After hearing his interviews after the draft, he made it clear US College wasn’t the primary focus, he made the decision once he was here and getting offers. Most kids in the US whole K-12 system is aimed at getting you into college.

    He most likely didn’t understand what it actually takes to not only get into, but stay in college. Part of the blame would go to his caretakers but in reality, it’s a direction he wasn’t planning for, so playing JR A isn’t the worst thing to happen.

  21. riko77can

    On one hand, good on Michigan for maintaining academic standards, on the other hand that is one cruel press release.

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