@Islanders de New York

Mises à jour du campus UBS et Belmont Park – Quelqu’un a-t-il déjà vu cela ?

Le centre commercial est sur le point d’ouvrir (fin septembre) et voilà les places de parking dans le garage qui disparaissent. Où vont-ils mettre cet hôtel ?

Aucun hôtel ne sera achevé avant 2030 peut-être (si un projet est encore en cours).

Ils ont également démonté la tribune et ne voient aucun rendu pour un hôtel dans leurs plans.

Plus d’informations ci-dessous



  1. As an out of town fan, not having a hotel is a huge bummer. That was supposed to be a big part of this development and it looks like it may never happen at this point.

  2. RunitBackRetro

    Yeah nearest hotel like 20 mins.

    Hotel > Mall > Garage > UBS Arena was the order of building on the site.

  3. Cheap-Insurance-1338

    Yea supposedly the parking garage is gonna serve the shops and arena. Gonna be WORSE!

  4. SnooPies6459

    Grandstand planned images are out. They suck and don’t match UBS at all. So stupid that UBS was made to match the grandstand and then they go a totally different, futuristic bullshit new grandstand

  5. thefinalgambit

    Dammit, I was hoping the hotel would be sooner.

    I miss having the Marriott walkable right across from the coli. I’m out of state now, which for UBS games now means either driving or an expensive and far hotel stay (after trying to find an Uber, which can be rough) after the game ends

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