@Panthers de la Floride

« Est-ce que c’est plus de 6 personnes ? » – Sam Reinhart sur la publication Instagram de la LNH

« Est-ce que c’est plus de 6 personnes ? » – Sam Reinhart sur la publication Instagram de la LNH



  1. heavvyglow

    Where was the genesis of the six fans comment?

  2. MonkeySpacePunch

    I’m the fifth comment. We gotta get that last guy in here to see this

  3. Toktogul

    its gonna be hard to be traded now with such a big tattoo! i am glad we get to keep him for a lonnnnnng time

  4. wickedmainahguy

    CJ Ugarte is the artist who is local at Calavera tattoo. Does great work

  5. Technology4Dummies

    So glad he’s staying on our team!!! Love him for hockey and love him for life too!!

  6. Emotional_Match8169

    Why don’t I see this post on their Insta?

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