@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Quel devrait être le plan des Leafs pour Marner ?

Mitch Marner est sur le point d’entamer la dernière année de son contrat de six ans avec les Maple Leafs. Toronto devrait-il échanger l’actif pour obtenir quelque chose en retour ou doit-il voir ce que le nouvel entraîneur-chef Craig Berube peut faire avec le noyau de quatre joueurs? L’analyste de TSN Hockey Frankie Corrado examine les options de Toronto dans le Talking Point de mercredi.


  1. It is official TSN (Leaf's Corporate) says we will work with Marner. So can we put this topic to bed until the trade Deadline next spring. Cause it sounds like Mitch & Co said, "I'll see you at training camp"

  2. Trade him to Vegas for Pietrangelo. Thatd be my plan. Hopefully Vegas is drunk enough to go along with it.

  3. I hope he goes to free agency, because I'm curious what the real market is out there among the other teams for him, out of the maelstrom of Toronto, where everyone seems to get overpaid more often than not. In a place where all players can get endorsement deals… eyeroll.

  4. OEL was terrible in Vancouver a few years ago and all were happy when he was somehow traded. But I understand he had a bounce back year with the Panthers… hope this works out, by am skeptical

  5. Trade Marner for Necas rights ,re-sign around 6m X7 and Kotkaniemi .
    Trade Kampf , Liljegren, Robertson, Timmins and get a good 3rd line center and 4th.
    1st line Domi- Matthews- Necas , 2nd line Tavares- Kotkaniemi- Nylander.
    CAR tax is 11% lower then TML so Marner can sign for less and still make more in CAR.

  6. IMO I would look to move on from Tavares over Marner, I know he has a NMC but if he doesnt waive it you put him on waivers or wait out the year and let him walk.

  7. Run it back… maybe it will be different this time. BRUTLE. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. It's not even about what Berube can do with him, they're not going to resign him for what he's asking, they need to get a return.

  9. Horsepucky! Worst management in North American professional sports. The only way fans will get what they want, the cup, is if they hurt the Leafs in their pocket books. They simply do not care about putting together a winning team. Or if they do, then they simply do not have the brain power to accomplish it. Stick to pizza's and car sales guys!

  10. I don't think marner being scared to take a hit is a coaching problem. His style is perimeter, he would have to play an entirely different way… a new coach isn't fixing 26 years of training

  11. Ahh yes, the +30 injury prone new guys on long term deals. Definitely pieces to build a blue line around.
    And don’t forget the career back-up and unproven sophomore in net.

  12. BS!!! The Leafs should have NEVER signed Nylander! He should have been traded. Do any Leaf fans watch any hockey after the Leafs go out in the first round every year? I don't thing many do, if they did they would already know Nylander is paid 11 mill a year, do you really thing he could show up in the playoffs for a 16 to 28 game run and dive in front of shots, play hard on his man, hit and play tough man on man and score at over a point per game cuz thats what players like Barkov, Sam Bennett, Matthew Tkachuk, Carter Verhaeghe and the rest of the Panthers did. NO WAY Nylander, Marner, Matthews can do this, and the rest of the Leafs are just a bunch of scrubs. If all these big 4 losers are back the fans should BOO this organization right out of town!

  13. If the playoffs still don’t mean anything in Toronto – just keep Marner and the Core 4 playoff disappointments for another 8 years. If playoff success is a priority – why not trade Marner or only dress him for regular season games? 😀

  14. Dumbest thing ever, marner isn't worth 11 million, terrible decision to keep him, should of traded him last year without the clause. This team isn't anywhere close to the top teams. Shanny needs to be let go and this core four talk needs to stop

  15. Couldn’t agree more – give Marner a chance under Berube. With a strong defensive group, the forwards can focus more on offence rather than having to constantly shore up last years weak D

  16. I hate the it's not about one player ….it isn't but it's all them together that dosent work. So let's move on

  17. Marner is small, heartless and horrible in the playoffs. He isn't worth a bag of pucks. Toronto media is hysterical 😂😂😂. Problem is no one wants him for his price tag.

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