@Bruins de Boston

Les Bruins privilégient la défense au score

#bostonbruins #nhl #hockey Photo miniature avec l’aimable autorisation de Paul Rutherford de USA Today Network


  1. Mac needs to play his games which is offense. And they need to pair him with a guy like Zadorov. What happened to the Bruins offense when Ray Bourque was shut down? I know you guys cover football. So, you get the Belichickian thing where they shut down the opposing team's best. Now, try. Note: same with Lindholm…how to they make Pasta and other players (eg Charlie Coyle) better? They know what the team needs to create more offense in general. Now, look at the defense pairings. Perfect! They now have one guy in each pairing that is very good at getting the puck out with a defensive-minded partner. Oh, and those late round picks? Why not swing for the fence? They were able to grab a few who were rated much higher. And you're not going to get a guy like Dean unless you get them early…try and trade for Tage Thompson.

  2. The Rangers & Oilers , pretty much got shut down too. Both were better offensive teams than Boston. Let's give Florida credit for a shutdown D. Boston did have a lot of break aways, wide open missing the net shots, & hitting posts. They had chances, but don't have finishers except Pasta.

  3. So was the biggest problem that they couldn't score goals or was that they couldn't score goals a symptom and not the sickness? I think it was a symptom. The issue. The sickness was that they couldn't maintain possession in Florida's end of the ice. They couldn't get a cycle going. When they did get into Florida's end they couldn't win a faceoff. Florida dominated in terms of offensive zone time. It's hard to score when you aren't playing in the offensive zone. Lindholm drives possession. He'll keep the puck in the offensive zone. And he wins faceoffs even in the playoffs. They will score more because of Lindholm 100%. He won't necessarily factor in but he'll start the cycle he'll keep the puck in. The other teams d will tire and you will score. You let DeBrusk go, you let Heinen go, you let JVR go. These were 3 of your top 10 points guys. You hope Lindholm replaces DeBrusk's production and then some. You hope a full year of Brazeau replaces one of those guys production. You hope a full year of Poitras replaces another one of those guys production. You hope you see Morgan Geekie come out stronger now that he's not getting used to a new team. And you hope some of your kids take a step. Coyle will start as 2c. You hope at some point during the season Poitras looks good enough that you can swap them. Coyle is a natural 3c. He did a good job playing up last year but it'd be better if you didn't have to rely on him repeating that. Zacha will move to wing. Hopefully with that stress and responsibility lessened he finds more production. If not he's a guy you could easily consider trading. Frankly I'd be looking at that right now. He proved at least in the regular season he can be a 2c numbers wise, faceoff wise. He's not going to be a center for us. But he could be for someone else. If they valued a two c high enough you might be able to wrangle a proven goal scoring winger for him.

  4. With a good Calgary team Lindholm scored 40, WTF are you guys talking about.
    He's in for a 35 goal year.

  5. My lord. You don’t know what wing Marchand plays and zadoov is 5 not 5.5. Look up your facts. Not knowing your captain plays left wing is sad

  6. Couldn’t score may start with not getting the puck out of your zone…I promise this is the last time I will mention Hampus Lindholm sucking…I promise.

  7. 2 solid goalies covered up our rosters shortcoming and, most importantly, kept us competetive & $$$ flowing into Jacobs pockets.
    We lost Linus for a boatload of poop so to keep the sellout streak we'll improve our D regardless of our top 6 being FOUR deep.

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