@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

L’agence libre de la LNH est complètement folle, pt.3

Une autre vidéo sur les agents libres, cette fois-ci axée sur les Sénateurs d’Ottawa, les Capitals de Washington et les Devils du New Jersey. Oh, et un petit mot sur les Rangers…


  1. They had chabot, sanderson, and brannstrom on the left side when they traded for him, they never should've got him to begin with. Jensen fills a role we need rhd, veteran stay at home D. Sucks to see Joseph go but their hands were tied if they wanted to keep Pinto. I think Norris would've been the better piece to trade away but since he injured his shoulder (again) he's got zero trade value and a big cap hit. All seem like good moves to me.

  2. Suprised you didn’t talked about the 200 players that just randomly signed at Chicago like they were aiming for the playoffs

  3. I guess the question for you eck: how do you deal with having 3, top 4 LHD, and a dire need for a top 4 RHD? Staios is out here doing what he can to fix a poorly constructed team. Jensen will be a good partner for chabot, sanderson and zub were analytically one of the best D pairs in the league already. With kleven likely coming in for the last LHD spot with brannstrom gone, likely gonna need 1 more veteran, bottom pair RHD who can show him the ropes, though they also have hamonic for that(though i hope he doesnt play many games, hammer is well liked in the room and has plenty to teach a young, physical D man with a booming shot). The moves out front added more vetrans who know how to compete and add to the leadership of the group, as will ullmark, who was good even before being with boston on a bad buffalo team. I think theres genuine room for optimism here. If they can figure out how to play on the road in the western conference, this is a playoff team, and i think the moves make that a better possibility than people are giving credit for here. Now we even have a spot or two on the lineup that can be won by crookshank or ostapchuk, and a little room to sign anither vetran if need be

  4. This guy doesnt know what hes talking about. Staois is cleaning up a mess and adding vet presence. Sounds like a Leafs homer.

  5. Eck did you even notice the Brent Pesci pun/ They got their big fish in Pesci…Pesci means Fish in Italian

  6. I think the expectation in Ottawa was that the team would magically turn around just with the change in ownership. Unfortunately, there were a few landmines left by the old and care taker ownership. And there's still cleaning up to do.

  7. Hey I would love a video on ur thoughts on wether the flames are going into a rebuild or are trying to go into one without publicly announcing it

  8. Good thing flames fans out there got sdpn and flames nation doing depth dives on their free agents snags cuz nobody else will including eck kinda disappointing and proly why im not subscribed

  9. Eck I'm not gonna say you're wrong about the sens because obviously the season hasn't started yet and a lot of sens fans agree with you, but after two off-seasons called the summer of Pierre I'm not mad about these trades and signings by Staios. If we've learned anything from Dorion's reign its that flashy trades and signings does not equal team success. That doesn't mean the opposite is true but man I could not give a shit what popular opinion says about these moves at this point. Also personally I am not gonna miss any of the players that are gone now.

    Plus maybe with expectations tempered they can go out there just play some fucking hockey. GSG

  10. Have you ever watched Chychrun play? He's garbage defensively, and okay offensively. They are clearing cap space and needed a RHD. With Sanderson and Chabot, they have no need for a 3rd LHD. And, they would have lost him for nothing at the end of next year. The Sens had no intention of signing him to a big multi-year deal, and I guarantee anyone paying him over $6-7M will regret it. Steve is cleaning up Pierre's messes, not hard to see that. It is so obvious, yet you don't even mention it at all. What is Steve supposed to do? What moves would you recommend? I bet you also didn't like the Ullmark trade, which was a fantastic move for the Sens. Get rid of Korpi's contract (mostly!), a pick, and you get Linus for at least one year. If he doesn't resign, you are still ahead.

  11. the craziest part of free agency this year is that Jeremy Swayman still hasn't signed a contract

    if the Bruins lose him I'm ordering a hit on Don Sweeney

  12. I got to say. As a former Ottawa fan, their lack of competence even after Melnyk's death is quite astonishing. It was nice to have them here in Binghamton as their minor league team, but after they left I stopped being a fan after realizing just how poorly run of an organization they really are. Absolutely depressing that hasn't changed.

  13. Staios is simply cleaning up Dorion's mistakes. He had no leverage with Chychrun, who wasn't a good fit for Ottawa. Chychrun was bad defensively with a 30 rating (+/ is a pretty useless stat, but it still says something) and didn't get along well with his teammates. Ottawa gets Nick Jensen, a veteran right-shot defenseman, which is exactly what they need.

  14. Chychrun have been a curse for the Sens. When he joined, they lost for like 8 consecutive games. It was the Mike Hoffman of 2018, they had to trade him. Steve Staios just cleaning all the issues in the team.

  15. Lol 😂 you must be salty we got ullmark. So far we have made great decisions to improve our major issues. Also think about it this way – we got what we needed a stay at home defenseman on the right side. Chykrun was spare parts as he is a left side puck moving defenseman (we already have two in Sanderson and Chabot). Now we have 2 legit first pairs. If you don't see this as an improvement, you obviously don't know much about hockey.

  16. You clearly don’t watch the Sens. We needed a right shot defensemen to fill the gaping whole on our right side. Secondly we have 3 left shot defensemen already so would it worth it be paying chychrun 8 million to play 3rd D pairing?

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