@Hurricanes de la Caroline

(Elliotte Friedman) Jack Roslovic va signer à Carolina

(Elliotte Friedman) Jack Roslovic va signer à Carolina



  1. ReeseWithAKnife

    love love love this. he was lethal against us in the second round and i loved him in CBJ, he’s fast crafty and has insane vision not to mention his skating ability and puck handling skills 

  2. Peace_and_Love40

    Well there’s our right hand center 2C 😳

  3. DrMantisToboggan22

    Is this guy really supposed to be a spectacular 2C? His numbers are… not good? KK or Drury replacement?

  4. Winring86

    Oh shit. I think I like it. He’s not really a 2C and his FO% needs work. Maybe Rod can help him there. But I think he’s a good addition. Guess we’ll have to see on the AAV and term

  5. tribucks

    Oh, dear Canes. Also, oh dear, Canes.

    Jack is fast and can handle. But he will make you crazy with his inconsistency. He will get 3 points one game and disappear for the next four.

    Good guy, super nice mom, born and raised in Columbus. Grew up loving the CBJ. They gave him every opportunity and more to make it work here in his hometown and they just couldn’t drag it out of him. He’s his own worst enemy. We’re all pulling for him, but he will drive you mad.

  6. QuiGonJinnNJuice

    Well, I don’t exactly get the warm and fuzzies at the prospect of him on the 2nd line, IDK if he’s much better than Drury at center when it comes to defense and faceoffs but does have more scoring capacity?

    IDK, he can bring some offense and play up in the lineup, and right now that’s sparse. IDK how the pieces will fit but at least he’s someone to have in the mix. Would love if he can do some good work as a RH faceoff guy and get 40-50 points

  7. smikkelson2

    I was wondering about this guy when the list of ufas with the most points came out, seems like he was an exciting young player and then I hadn’t heard much about him. Could be fun lol

  8. CHamsterdam

    This guy looked super dangerous against us so I don’t hate it. Definitely has some speed.

  9. TheBlueD3vil

    Wonder what fasts status is with this signing. Seems like either he will not be able to play this upcoming season or we may be trading more than 1 forward

  10. Minute-Struggle6052

    Please at least just be 1-2 years

    We have to stop signing mid players to long deals

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