@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Classement des équipes de la LNH : où se situe chaque équipe après le repêchage et le marché des agents libres

Le manque de respect est réel, je ne crois pas que nous soyons derniers sur cette liste.



  1. ShartRat

    The funniest thing about this list is Buffalo being above us, Philly, and Utah at number fucking 20. Their offseason has basically been that one meme of the guy with the stick poking their GM going « cmon do something ».

  2. Seattlekrakenlegend

    > His team isn’t close to a Cup or even a playoff berth, but it’s hard to imagine doing much better than GM Mike Grier did, getting Macklin Celebrini and Sam Dickinson at the draft, signing the team’s first pick from last season (Will Smith), and snatching both Tyler Toffoli and Alex Wennberg on Day 1 of free agency.

    Yeah that Alex Wennberg is a real game changer at $5M a year

    I’m seeing early season projections too and we are being projected dead last and with 60 points.

    How exactly are we getting worse than last year when we are actually going to have competent coaching.

    Also, Carolina has lost a LOT of players and Ottawa looks like shit too.

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