@Canadiens de Montréal

« L’une des histoires qui circule à Montréal est qu’ils ont besoin de talents révolutionnaires. Es-tu prêt à être ce talent révolutionnaire ? » « Je pense que oui 🙂 »

« L’une des histoires qui circule à Montréal est qu’ils ont besoin de talents révolutionnaires. Es-tu prêt à être ce talent révolutionnaire ? » « Je pense que oui 🙂 »



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  2. Silent_Horror5443

    I’m so excited for this dude. While Slafkovsky has an unlimited ceiling, Demidov has Slafkovskys maturity but the expectations to back it up immediately. He is going to absolutely light it up.

  3. bcgrappler

    What I honestly really like here is that IF he works out to be our best forward he will join an already established core of slaf, cole, nick, dach, newhook, and possibly Roy in the top 9. It means we don’t wast his first few years with no talent around him, and he doesn’t need to do it all.

  4. wolceniscool

    One thing I really appreciate from an outside perspective is precisely the maturity and mental fortitude of the guys we’re getting. They all have drive and mistakes or missteps don’t drag them down, it pushes them to do better not only every season, game or even every shift, it’s every breath they take. The kind of dedication we see from other superstars à la Crosby, McDavid etc., even if they don’t pan out as expected, it won’t be because of a lack of effort of discipline. Great qualities I wish I had developed more myself as a fellow human being and definitely not a reptilian from omicron persei 8.

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