@Flyers de Philadelphie

Avec la démission de Brink, nous sommes un arrêt plus près de la ligne Bonk-Brink-Bump (les positions soient damnées !)

Je sais que Torts m’aime, il le fera.



  1. boylejc2

    A more realistic scoring announcement for a powerplay goal from Bonk in the bumper with assists from Brink and Bump.

    Or you could go Brink-Barkey-Bump with Belpedio-Bonk, and Bjarnnson in net.

    (I am really bored, someone please save me.)

  2. Everdriver478

    Okay but how about we change Michkov to 🅱️ichkov too

  3. surviveseven

    That doesn’t come across in the right way. Make them all change their names to Monk, Mrink, and Mump.

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