@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Nick Kypreos : L’intersaison des Maple Leafs commence bien. Il reste encore beaucoup de chemin à parcourir pour conquérir l’Atlantique

Nick Kypreos : L’intersaison des Maple Leafs commence bien. Il reste encore beaucoup de chemin à parcourir pour conquérir l’Atlantique



  1. gamer6663

    It’s an interesting start, one that could go either way as the season progresses. We beefed up our d, didn’t do much with our forwards and it’s depth, let our starter leave and left our goal in the hands of a couple guys that again, could go either way, and Matt Murray. It will be interesting to see what happens this season and what, if any, moves are done mid season as things progress

  2. GooseRider960

    Two interesting things of note, though I’m unsure how trustworthy Kypreos is on these:

    1) He mentions the Leafs medical team “had an extended look” at Hakanpaa prior to the signing and would have signed off on it. Not sure why there’s still been a delay but that bodes well.

    2) He also mentions Ryan O’Reilly tried his best to convince Trotz to trade for Marner. So if true, does that not shut down the rumours of O’Reilly not wanting to stay because of a toxic environment in the locker room, or at least, Mitch being the cause?

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