@Devils du New Jersey

ANTON SILAYEV, 10e choix au total des Devils du New Jersey au camp de développement

Les Devils du New Jersey ont tenu leur camp de développement 2024 cette semaine au Prudential Center de Newark, dans le New Jersey. Anton Silayev, leur choix de premier tour du repêchage de la LNH 2024, 10e au total, était présent. Le défenseur de 18 ans mesure 6’7″ et joue actuellement dans la KHL. C’était la première fois que le monde le voyait porter un maillot des Devils du New Jersey sur la glace. C’est un GRAND garçon et il va devenir un homme encore PLUS GRAND. On devrait s’attendre à ce qu’il soit un élément incontournable de la ligne bleue des Devils dans 2-3 ans. Je suis excité par l’avenir de ce gamin ici ! Voici votre PREMIER aperçu d’Anton Silayev en tant que Devil du New Jersey ! Faites-moi part de vos réflexions dans les commentaires. Regardez nos autres vidéos pour la couverture des Devils ! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu sur les Devils à venir ! : https://www.youtube.com/@runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 Suivez-nous sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7BYmvZzdWiRfnEZzZA8RJd Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ Suivez-nous sur X : https://www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ #njdevils #antonsilayev #newjerseydevils #silayev #devils #nhldraft #nhldraft2024 #nhldraft24 #nhl #hockey #njdevilspodcast #newjerseydevilspodcast


  1. When will that joke of The Devils GM start drafting big Centres and wingers instead of endless D-men and goalies? Pathetic…

  2. It might not have been the draft pick we wanted to see for the moment. But in 2 years time we're going to think this pic was the best pick ever. This guy is big he can skate and he's only 17. We could blast Fitzgerald all we want for wanting a player now. Maybe he should have packaged to 10 and traded it off. But that's hindsight at this moment. What we have is a 6'7 monster and we're going to be better off for it!!

  3. I feel like we dont have many SURPRISING prospects that ever come up and become really good in the nhl like Bratt was. At least one of these kids should step it up to help this team out.

  4. Yoo ace how many from these recent drafts are actually coming to utica next year..these fckin ahl rules are super confusing of when they can come play

  5. I've been watching the 1994/1995 playoff videos on YouTube. Anyone know of any way to watch older games? Maybe like whole seasons?

  6. Outstanding footage!!! Thanks so much for sharing….. wow, at the 3:43 mark, his step and half to speed from skating backward is soooo scott neidermayer…. how can a guy this big pull that off

  7. Thanks for sharing this. I am very excited about this kid and glad we grabbed him with that pick. I know you were hoping to use the pick in a deal but how do you feel about it now?

  8. I was against drafting with this pick, and before the draft I was even more concerned with drafting ANOTHER young D prospect. But the way the draft shook out, most teams selecting forwards and Silayev still available at 10, I am ok with the selection. Especially since many mock drafts had him going in the top 5.

  9. I loved watching this.
    My wife just felt the mood change and came to see what I was looking at.
    Like a kid at Christmas I just unwrapped this with my eyes.
    2 things I noticed.

    Little half court "shinny hockey' is tough to judge skating. It's like trying to do your thing in a phone both when compared to full ice. This gets even harder if you happen to be a larger rangey player. You can still spot his transition game, and his cross over turns are at a high level.

    You can see his compete. Three strides before wall game it is there. He is playing in New Jersey far from Russia, knows almost noone. You can tell alot about a player when they are all alone in a new rink. He turns it up in puck battles and he uses his frame and reach to deny opponents. I recall my days in College saying to myself "I may not come away clean with this puck, but I will bet my life that you won't." When this mentality is in you, and your are in a strange rink hoping to not end up with everyone hating you, you end up with this.

    I long to see this young man hit someone with an enemy sweater. End the threat, take the puck. Crunch!

  10. Nice footage, Ace. We appreciate you sharing for us all to get a look at the kid – makes me miss the SMA days. Keep up the great work.

  11. Nice camerawork, really appreciate this. Kids got jump for such a tower, we’re gonna be real happy in a couple years.

  12. Ace…this kid has 2 years left in Russia? Anyway he gets out of that earlier? Thanks for sharing this, i feel a lot better than i did on draft night. Keep it up Ace noone like you!!!!

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