@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Ne le fais pas, Toronto.

Nhl toronto maple leafs today – Avec l’agence libre de la LNH 2024 quelques jours après et un tas de gros mouvements derrière Brad Treliving et les nouvelles des Leafs, les plus grands noms de l’équipe Auston Matthews John Tavares William Nylander et plus devraient être satisfaits des ajouts. Il y a évidemment encore beaucoup de bruit autour des rumeurs d’échange de Mitch Marner et des autres échanges de la LNH ou des signatures d’agents libres que nous pourrions voir de la part des bourgeons, mais ce sujet a définitivement pris un peu d’ampleur ces derniers temps à Toronto et je veux en discuter. Pour tout ce qui concerne le hockey de la LNH, y compris les nouvelles et les rumeurs des Maple Leafs de Toronto, les faits saillants de la LNH 2024, les buts, les réactions, les récapitulatifs, les classements et plus encore, restez avec nous sur cette chaîne. Auston Matthews capitaine John Tavares Leafs aujourd’hui LNH 2024 #LNH #faits saillants #actualités de la LNH


  1. Isles hate him because he lied and screwed them over. They don’t care about him going home

  2. I would think that would be a huge distraction for this team and could potentially hurt the team or split the locker room. I think the negatives outweigh the positives. Just let JT finish this year out and make the change when it seems natural and isn't overblown by Toronto media

  3. Islanders fans spending time to make Tavares signs … how many years after he moved ??. Seriously , get a life.

  4. Matthews must be smoking dicks if he thinks he’s captain material. I remember watching Kasperi Kapanen out perform AM34 in the playoffs and Kapanen is like what? 10 million cheaper? LOL

  5. Good. Tavares should NOT be the captain. If you think otherwise, you don't know hockey. And haven't seen the train wreck that is Toronto.

  6. Tavares is so over rated tho. Why ever make him the captain. Well leafs sucks so i guess there is that

  7. Do not take the captaincy away from Tavares. He helps take the pressure off the other players and allows them to do what they need to do. Tavares has been a good captain but let JT retire and then do it Media and fans are ruthless here.

  8. Mathews can wait another year for the "C". But for now, give him the "A" for the 24-25 season. Message sent to Marner camp immediately.

  9. Kypreos likes to say shit just to make himself seem relevant. He's a fame whore. And if they give the C to anyone else it should be Mo.

  10. Cool at least we know they wont actually amount to anything in the playoffs. Matthews is a pansy who doesn't show when the games on the line.

  11. Fire shanny fire Brad the too much too long guys. Hopium a thing that leafs fans say give me more gruel, sheesh

  12. Reilly deserves it but i want Matthews to resign again and him being captain is gonna make that happen but they can’t strip it. Keep him as C

  13. Rielly is so overrated. Can't take a slap shot only a 60 mph wrister from the point. Can't clear the net. Can't skate backwards fast enough always turns around to skate forwards. Good "character guy" yes but he's a big problem for the Leafs with the nmc.

  14. Reilly? Nice guy. Regressing as a player, and only a standout because of how poor the other Leafs defenders are at puck movement. It should be given to Matthews, just not now. Stripping Tavares of the captaincy would be a slight to an honourable servant of the Leafs.

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