@Devils du New Jersey

[Amanda Stein] Ohhh, ces citations de Tomas Tatar vont vous faire vibrer le cœur ! 🥰 « J’ai essayé de faire tout ce que j’ai pu pour pouvoir revenir. Le New Jersey me manquait beaucoup. »

Bon sang, cette signature est arrivée tard, mais je suis vraiment content de voir Tuna revenir. J’ai adoré son énergie au sein de l’équipe et son alchimie avec Nico sera géniale à retrouver sur cette ligne s’ils sont à nouveau associés.



  1. unfixedposition

    he straight up fired his agent last year bc he missed the window to get him re-signed in NJ.

  2. klitchell

    His goal after Marino sliced through the Rags in Game 7 was pretty epic, glad to have him back

  3. Johnborkowski

    Missed his presence. Would have loved for him to be apart of that outdoor game last season.

  4. Gambler_Eight

    All you had to say.

    Always rated tatar. Clearly the goat.

  5. Cliff_Pitts

    If devils win a cup with Tatar I’m buying a jersey

  6. nostradamefrus

    Hell. Fucking. Yes. Give me guys who actively want to be here over flashy signings any day

  7. MatteHatter

    Fuckin love this guy. He’s so officially Jersey.

  8. MatteHatter

    “I talked to three or four teams about a contract, but I don’t want to name them. When New Jersey came up, my heart skipped a beat. I felt very comfortable. »

  9. Tony_Cappuccino

    I’m not crying, you’re crying. My eyes are sweating

  10. philipkdan

    Tuna is a fantastic player who fits in our lineup really well, has a ton of chemistry with our lineup, genuinely wants to be here… this is the culture I’m talking about. Put men in that room that are hungry, that respect each other, and that understand that this organization has all the things to get excited about as a pro hockey player, including an opportunity to win the cup. I’ll take a guy like Tuna, dialed in and excited to be a part of THIS team, over any other potential free agency signing this summer.

  11. I think this roster playing under Chief Keefe is gonna be a lot of fun to watch. Very hype. Much hype.

  12. SerPownce

    If Tatar puts up 50 points we’re gonna win the division

  13. MrMooMoo91

     » i finally left this dam State! And the other place sucked so im back.  »

    – Average NJ resident.

  14. ghostofkozi

    As if we needed another reason to love Tatar

    Side note… God damn Amanda is a fox

  15. YannBuch

    I have a very good feeling about this. He’s a great guy, and will be an amazing mentor for Šimon.

  16. corso923

    Once you have the pizza and bagels here it really is unthinkable to go anywhere else.

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