@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Moulinets de charpentier

Je suppose que beaucoup d’entre nous n’ont pas beaucoup vu Stolarz en action. Je partage quelques points forts du nouveau gros engin.

N’hésitez pas à ajouter les vôtres



Je sais qu’il n’a pas beaucoup de matchs à son actif, mais c’est celui que j’espérais que les Leafs signeraient. Il y a un potentiel inexploité ici.



  1. ibreakbeta

    I feel good about our goaltending this year. Woll is the real deal he just needs to stay healthy. Stolarz has good numbers but seems like he was never given the chance to prove himself. Finally, our third string has won two cups.

  2. UnflushableNug

    I find it really odd that he isn’t a #1 goalie in the NHL at this point.

    If you look at his stats page, his numbers range from Average to Elite at all levels played, he’s absolutely huge and at 30 years old, he’s about to play for his 5th NHL team and has never played more than 28 games in a season.

    I wonder what held him back?

  3. Expensive-Ranger6272

    Every link I clicked on I felt like I was about to be Rick Rolled

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