@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Les Penguins sont toujours à la recherche d’un ailier de haut niveau

Dans cette édition de Tip of the Ice-Burgh, Nick et Nick discutent des options restantes pour la recherche d’un ailier de premier plan par les Penguins de Pittsburgh (1:09). Ils examinent également la défense reconstruite des Penguins et débattent de la question de savoir si elle sera meilleure ou pire que la saison dernière (14:49). Ils terminent l’épisode en discutant de l’un des arbres de transactions actifs les plus longs de la LNH et de la raison pour laquelle il revêt une importance considérable pour les Penguins de Pittsburgh (26:03). Connectez-vous ! Le meilleur podcast pour les fans les plus passionnés des Penguins ! Connectez-vous pendant que Nick Belsky et Nick Horwat vous apportent toutes les meilleures nouvelles et analyses des Penguins de Pittsburgh ! Nouveaux épisodes de « Tip of the Ice-Burgh » TOUS les mardis et jeudis Abonnez-vous à notre page : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9ht8AzbjUYj9iRMYgrKjg 🎧 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/0xEz2obkC3dpVjLlns2Qgi 🎧 Apple : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tip-of-the-ice-burgh-podcast/id1497683396 Retrouvez-nous sur Twitter : https://x.com/IceBurghPodcast


  1. Laine would come at the cheapest he'd be in his entire career, he is a pure goal scorer, and he can play the left half-wall on the powerplay, all things we need. He has some downsides, particularly in his defensive play, but if you have him on the top line with Sid, then Sid has the 200 ft. game covered.

    He is exactly what the Pens need right now, in my opinion. He would bring some excitement to the team as well, while we're in this rebuild, or retool or whatever it is Dubas has us doing right now. We'd just have to move someone out to make cap space for him.

    Are we on his 10-team no-trade list though? If not, Dubas should open the wallet and actually spend some assets to get a legit top-liner.

    Unless… Dubas comes out of nowhere with the atomic elbow drop from the top ropes with some unexpected, huge 3-team trade and hits us with a Jarry, Graves, Eller unloading and gets Rossi and Gustavsson. (in my dreams)

  2. Kind of glad we didn’t get Tarasenko if not only because that means silly season isn’t over! I can keep coping and pretend like Dubas will trade for Robertson, Mcgrorty, Frost, Farabee and or Laine

  3. the pens have traded with the rangers with ruhwedel and now smith in the last 6 months. Would the NYR be interested in trading Lafreniere?

  4. McGrorty should 10000% be the only single option they’re shooting for. Thats it. Forget these dog shit conversations about Ehlers and Laine 😂

  5. As cheap as Dubas is looking for all bargain basement players it don’t look like there is gonna be anyone else that’s halfway decent that the Pens will get! I know salary cap is the big issue but hey at least get one player that has good value!!!!

  6. Robertson makes all the sence in the world if signed with a extention…would be crosby going back to who he was in the cup years making players needing a chance into players!!!

  7. Funny they need a top winger but then u c who they have given away in the last 3 or 4 seasons, guentzell, e-rod, kid from golden knights can't remember name but became a sniper scoring over 40 goals the one who was left unprotected in the draft instead of jeff carter. both r now cup champs. Someone who is just a casual fan could've done better then hextall. He was so bad it looks like he did it on purpose

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