@Flyers de Philadelphie

Croyez-le : Risto est un outsider qui va faire un grand pas en avant cette année.

De toute évidence, celui qui aura un C et un AG sur la ligne de Michkov aura droit à un coup de pouce (peut-être Frost et ?). De plus, si Drysdale reste en bonne santé et joue à son potentiel, il fera un grand pas en avant. Brink obtient une mention honorable.

Risto était sur la bonne voie avant sa blessure et ne tarit pas d’éloges sur Torts. Je pense qu’il aura une bonne chance de faire partie du top 4 avec York, Sanheim et Drysdale avant Seeler, Zamula ou Andrae. Traitez-moi de fou.

Il est logique d’augmenter sa valeur sur le marché des échanges. Il sera toujours un ancien 8e choix au total.



  1. TwoForHawat

    > He will always be a former 8th overall pick

    I am certain this stops mattering sometime in the eleven years since he got drafted.

  2. Where you are drafted means nothing when you are as old as him …

    Patrick was a 2nd overall pick and lost most of his value by age like 23

  3. RebuildFletcher

    You also have Andrae who they seem to be high on and I’m pretty sure Attard is on a one-way deal this year so he is subject to waivers. Ginning also got a one-way in 25-26 so they seem high on him as well. Also have Bonk and they are really high on Hunter McDonald. I’m guessing a move will be made.

  4. upcan845

    I’ll just be happy if he treads water long enough for other GMs to forget his contract and show trade interest in him.

  5. BanDelayEnt

    Just don’t step into a hospital this season, Risto.

  6. MatthewsKesselSundin

    Bro, I have seen this post for 10 years now

  7. Diamondback424

    There are always some folks that say this year after year. In Buffalo too before he came to Philly. He is who he is. He might have one great season at some point, but he’ll never be better than a third pairing guy.

  8. He is the fairest haired and skinned dark horse I’ve seen in a long time. I also have doubts about his speed on all fours

  9. realdeal411

    TBH he took a « big step » last year

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