@Rangers de New York

Cela a été dit un million de fois, mais cela vaut la peine de le répéter. Cet homme n’a pas assez de crédit.

Cela a été dit un million de fois, mais cela vaut la peine de le répéter. Cet homme n’a pas assez de crédit.



  1. NoReplacement9001

    This isn’t Trouba. Why are we talking about Key?

  2. Stonewall30NY

    90% of his bad games came when he was paired with trouba because trouba was literally never in position and impossible to predict

  3. rydaley77

    I was hoping for his extension last year, at this rate its gonna be an expensive offseason next year. He’ll be worth it

  4. username987MPD

    He would get more credit if he used his size. As a scrawny guy myself, I like gentle giants, but as a hockey fan, man I want to see him use his body to level up his game.

  5. Fancy_Combination436

    Thank you. His fuck ups and bad games get blown way out of proportion for a guy thats literally the future of our d-core. Feel like most of his mistakes just come from being young and still learning, but hes obv got the skills and mindset to be consistently great.

  6. Key-Tip-7521

    Him paired w/ Mr residency is a disaster. But him w/ Schneids during the playoffs looked so good. I hope those two are a pair this upcoming season

  7. He needs to improve his stick handling and make better decisions with the puck. Otherwise, he has all of the tools to be great.

  8. DonxxJohnson3

    There’s a reason he doesn’t have a long term deal. He’s just not good. He won’t be here much longer.

  9. Puzzleheaded-Fly1338

    Makes some mental mistakes, but physically an absolute stud. I’m rooting for him to break out officially as a top D man because physically it’s all there.

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