@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Muzzin, sur la glace au camp, continue d’avoir un impact sur les #Leafs. Webber : « Après mon échange ici, il m’a appelé et s’est présenté et nous avons fait des allers-retours, nous avons appris quelques points sur mon jeu. J’essaie d’apprendre tout ce que je peux de lui. C’est un bon gars à admirer. »

Muzzin, sur la glace au camp, continue d’avoir un impact sur les #Leafs. Webber : « Après mon échange ici, il m’a appelé et s’est présenté et nous avons fait des allers-retours, nous avons appris quelques points sur mon jeu. J’essaie d’apprendre tout ce que je peux de lui. C’est un bon gars à admirer. »



  1. Pretty cool to see Jake Muzzin still making an impact even though he is no longer an active player. Excited to see how Cade Webber does with the Marlies

  2. Drew_You_To_91

    As if I needed another reason to love muzzin. Awesome

  3. LtColumbo93

    Is he officially employed by the Leafs in any way? He isn’t even under contract as a player anymore so anything he’s doing now is fully volunteer unless they hire him as a skills coach or something. 

  4. BadTreeLiving

    Outside of covid stalling the cap rise at the worst time, Muzzin injuries are *one of* the biggest « what ifs » of this team.   

    Losing him really put a hole in team D and ended his career way too early. Same birth year as Chris Tanev.

  5. PurchaseTight3150

    Retire Muzzer’s jersey number #8 already for god’s sakes. What an absolute beautician.

  6. Rowdy_Roddy96

    Can we find a way to cure Muzz of all his ailments and de age him by a decade ? Imagine a Muzzin / McCabe pairing rn 🔥🔥🔥

  7. B0_SSMAN

    You’re saying all the right words Mr. Webber

  8. smokingmonkeybaby

    ‘look up to.’ Webber is 6’7″

  9. ovondansuchi

    I don’t care what you pay, to get a man like this in your organizational is always worth it.

  10. Strangle1441

    I love Muzzin, with him on the team we might have seen some different results in the playoffs.

    We haven’t been able to ever replace what he brought. He would have clowned tkachuk two years ago and probably stopped the panthers in their tracks before they could gain the momentum they needed to win the cup

  11. edgeisagoodwrestler

    Imagine our defense the last few years if muzzin was still there 😒

  12. Hoardzunit

    I thought he had moved to LA and was just being a scout. But it’s good to know he’s still involved in the organization as a coach.

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