@Red Wings de Détroit

Les Red Wings sacrifient leur corps lors d’une folle séquence de tirs bloqués

Publication annuelle de ce qui est probablement mon clip préféré de cette époque. Miss Erne et Bobby Eyebrows vont me manquer



  1. We definitely werent the most talented that season, but we absolutely gave everything to try to win.

  2. DogePerformance

    I think of this damn near weekly.

    What a sequence ❤️

  3. Longjumping-Ad9678

    Hockey is the only sport where your team can be getting their face caved in so bad that it actually gets the crowd back into it and changes the momentum of the game

  4. Prestigious-Lawyer13

    I was at that game. Our section was going nuts

  5. Unstep-in-Time

    I remember this watching on TV.. Almost broke my tibia that day.

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