@Ligue nationale de hockey

La LNH, la Ligue canadienne de hockey et les clubs membres visés par une poursuite antitrust déposée aux États-Unis

Les jeunes qui signent des contrats et cèdent leurs droits à 15 ans et qui doivent quitter leur domicile sont un pilier du hockey junior majeur. Les droits de la NCAA sont jetés par la fenêtre dès qu’ils posent la plume sur le papier. Ils quittent leur domicile pendant leurs années de formation, loin de leurs amis et de leur famille, doivent faire face à l’école et être des athlètes professionnels. Avec tout ce qui a fait surface dans la LCH et la LNH ces dernières années, le bizutage, les abus psychologiques, émotionnels et physiques, etc., est-il temps de changer ?



  1. If the kid wants to play for who ever don’t sign the contract…..

  2. Elm0musk

    americans are too soft to play hockey is what this lawsuit says.

    Bunch of baby shits.

    Americans = a 13 year old rape victim should be forced to have a baby.

    Also Americans = 15 year old’s are too young to know if they want to play hockey

    Give your balls a tug titfucker

  3. RevolutionaryBid1353

    Nope, you have the wrong take. We need to professional minor leagues, like in Europe with soccer.

    Take sports OUT of schools.

  4. Right-Section1881

    If the NCAA has issues with it, they could you know just let them play. They’re the ones excluding them

  5. Ill-Seaworthiness545

    What divas. So many kids would kill to play in the CHL.

  6. admarsden

    You’re talking about the same NCAA that has historically went out of their way to exploit athletes for decades under the guise of “amateur eligibility” while raking in billions for themselves right? Just want to make sure.

    I would never try to argue that junior hockey doesn’t have its issues and there’s a massive need for change and improvement. But maybe you might google a few names (Nassar, Sandusky, Strauss, Anderson, just to list a few) before holding the NCAA up as some shining beacon of virtue and righteousness.

  7. Mikeim520

    Isn’t the CHL a Canadian hockey league? Why is an American lawsuit happening? Do they have teams in America?

  8. Wow, this is dumb! The NCAA throwing stones from their glass house…

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