@Sharks de San José

Match d’entraînement des espoirs 2024

Venez voir la classe du repêchage 2024 des Sharks de San Jose et d’autres meilleurs espoirs s’affronter pour la première fois sur la glace en Teal.


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. Great to finally see these types of scrimmage as well as preseason games

  2. #68 Colton Roberts going hard after Celly

    NHL watch Smith/Musty

    NHL/AHL watch Collin Graf, Big Mack Celly & Filip Bystedt

    AHL watch Cagnoni, Pohlkamp, Haltunen, Brandon Svoboda,

    (2nd tier) AHL watch —
    Carson Wetsch, Gavin O’Connell tryout from Michigan State, Edstrom says he’s going back to the SHL but I’d love to keep him on the Cuda, Cam Lund as well as a guy named Donovan Houle looked decent too

    Absent: Shamuk in Russia, Jake Furlong recovering from surgery, Havelid (didn’t show well), neither did Chernokhov… need more Jr. time to ripen 🍅

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