@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Pour tous les directeurs généraux du clavier : Brian Burke s’exprime sur la situation de Marner



  1. SalIaccuzzo

    Too bad Burke isn’t the GM of the Leafs either.

  2. carletondabare

    Yeah but Burke’s worse than a keyboard GM. He was actually in charge and failed miserably. Can’t say that about Joe from the Bridge

  3. crushade

    We are going to hear all season how much Tavares, Nylander, Matthews and Marner make. All. Season. Long. As it has been since they left their ELC’s.

    We know. It doesn’t work. It won’t work. Having said that, it is what it is. Dubas did what he did. A pandemic happened and the cap never went up.

    Burke didn’t get it done here either so he can sit there and be a couch GM like the rest of us if he wants. Nylander at least comes up big when it matters more often than Marner. In a perfect world, there is no cap and this discussion doesn’t need to happen. Marner is a great player, but you can’t structure the cap as the Leafs have done and expect to win. Something has to give.

  4. e-Jordan

    I’ll have you know I’m an Assistant Keyboard GM

  5. wolverine656

    He also thought Phaneuf and Scheen were number 1 defenceman and David Clarkson was worth 5.5 mil for 7 years. His opinion mean nothing

  6. Redragontoughstreet

    We don’t need to rebuild we signed Christian Hanson and traded for Luca Caputi and Joe Colborne. Boom rebuild done; thanks Brian.

  7. readthis1st

    Bryan Burke picked Tyler Biggs in the 1st round

  8. marcman84

    Brian Burke thought the team was 1 Phil Kessel away from competing for a Cup.

    We finished 2nd last that year and Boston got Tyler Seguin and Dougie Hamilton.

  9. CMDRShepardN7

    Burke is the Passion That Unites Us All. We’re all in agreement about how bad he is as a GM and probably shouldn’t take his advice on how to run the Leafs.

  10. GoblinStats

    I can agree with what he’s saying. My issue is Nylander is now cost controlled. You know exactly what he’s making for the next 8 seasons. Marner is a mystery until pen hits paper. So, let’s say you negotiate a fair value in Marner. 8 years, for fun $10 million. That’s cool. I’d take that. Now you have to look into moving Nylander with no guarantee on return.

    The unfortunate truth is 1 year left on Marner is more valuable than 8 years on Nylander.

    My armchair GM hat says « if we make a move, we move Marner. »

  11. burkie’s opinion doesn’t mean shit to us anymore.

  12. thedudeyousee

    I know a lot of people are shitting on Brian Burke for fucking up the leafs but I really want to raise awareness that the ducks won in spite of him and not because of him. All the draft picks were done before him and he won the cup year fucking 2. He also denied a trade request of Peter zezel to the east coast to be closer to his dying niece and instead traded him to the west coast causing him to retire… fuck Brian Burke.

  13. shanster925

    Burke’s opinion is about as useful as the share button on Pornhub.

  14. BornIn67

    So we only have Burke’s word on this but he has said. When he came to the Leafs he told management that they should do a complete rebuild. They told him no, he needed to make the current team competitive. And he did, what he did, with what he had, to make that happen.

    Regardless, he isn’t wrong. Marner is more important to the team. The disparity in TOI/G highlights that. Marner is consistently at the top of the League for forwards while Nylander is no where to be seen. Marner has been playing against the best in the League for years, while Nylander has been sheltered.

    Everyone talks about Berube and Marner but ‘only defends some of the time’ Nylander is a lot more likely to be the next Jordan Kyrou than ‘Selke candidate’ Marner is.

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