@Bruins de Boston

À quel point les Bruins sont-ils proches du sommet de leur conférence ?

#bruins #nhl #hockey Photo miniature avec l’aimable autorisation de Steve Roberts USA Today Network


  1. Yeah…nah. They really swung for the fences in the draft. So, they have some BIG prospects withy bigger upside. That's exciting! They got the guys they wanted in FA. And they want to be in Boston. These guys solve other problems from last year. They needed to help the Charlies…pair Mac with Zadorov and let CC post up more points between 2/3. That fixes more than just adding two players. Oh, and the size thing? Yeah, they have a big team now and the depth guys finish their checks and play a 200-foot game. Don't sweat not having a $8M+ guy at every position in your top 6. That's just silly! The Bruins are offering ice time (read it, again: ICE TIME) to the one that steps up and makes it so. How inspiring is that for players?!? And injuries happen. The depth guys they got are big and can play. (Sorry they don't all get 100 points per year.) The Bruins improved now and for the future. And don't forget to check in with BC Hockey and see how Dean is doing. Cheers!

  2. Can we stop with the whole "I don't know about the money" crap. Meanwhile the NBA being the fraudulent money grab of a league is committing 100's of millions to individual players in contracts while no one says a word about how absolutely ridiculous that is.

  3. their powerplay needs a player like Krug more than it needs someone to play the bumper. hopefully Zadorov can snipe!

  4. Really wanted Duclair as well, but in the words of Meatloaf…"two out of three ain't bad."

  5. Closer?? Nah they’re further away!
    Losing a vezina level tandem and a top six scoring winger who’s solid defensively.

    Added a decent upgrade @ LD.
    And someone who’s gonna have a terrible contract in a few years, lindholm is extremely overrated and at best a 2C.

    So they actually got worse.

  6. Since Chara left, the Bruins have not been known as a tough team. They are always known to be physically tough. So I’m glad they got the new Z

  7. Not filling the empty Top-6 wing slot before signing another D-man like Zadorov is hugely detrimental to this team in my opinion. Our D was not the problem in the post season, it was putting the puck in the net.

  8. Lindholm is a second line centre. I think his cap price is about right for that.

    But dare I say it?! Bergeron was a second line sent centre as well. Not having offensive elite talent at centre has cost his team over the years. 70 to 80 points is not an elite centre.

  9. Unless I am mistaken, weren't the Bruins ALREADY at the top of their Conference? They only relinquished the #1 spot to FL in the final games of the season.

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