@Canadiens de Montréal

Structure du plafond salarial en 2025-26. Guhle estimé à 5,2. On envisage près de 30 millions d’espace de capitalisation si le prix passe au LTIR.

Structure du plafond salarial en 2025-26. Guhle estimé à 5,2. On envisage près de 30 millions d’espace de capitalisation si le prix passe au LTIR.



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  2. Bytrsweet

    I know it wont happen, but it would be nice if we threw the bag a Leon and he decided to come here and play

  3. crazytrooper

    Heineman and Tuch on the left side would surprise me

  4. HonestDespot

    Only two more years on the Anderson and Gallagher contracts next year too.

    Anderson only has a 3.5 million salary in his final year and Gallagher only a 4 million salary so they might just be able to find a taker for them in a trade with some retention, and if not Summer 2026

  5. sbrooksc77

    I dont think Leon would be realistic, but I think there’s a chance Rantanen could hit the open market though. 13×7. But imo our addition would have to come via trade.

  6. Electrical_Analyst65

    Lots of room for additions with that cap space. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Roy on the second line either if he reaches his potential. 

  7. Studly_Wonderballs

    This is why I’m so down with trading for McGroarty. I think he’ll be a solid gritty top-6 winger.

  8. Otherwise_Cod_3478

    Minors things.

    Ersson got 1.45M$ after 63 career games, Kochetkov got 2M$ after 27 games, Tarasov got 1.05M$ after 4 games, Vladar got 2.2M$ after 55 games, Skinner got 2.6M$ after 64 games, etc. No way Primeau get 1.2M$ several years later (cap increase) when he probably going to finish this season with 60+ career games, unless he have a terrible season and we probably replace him with someone else. Most like he will be somewhere close to Ersson, Kochetkov or Vladar, add the cap increase and it’s probably going to be somewhere around 2-2.5M$ depending on how he played.

    Valimaki just got 2M$ playing 19min, Samberg got 1.4M$ last season playing 15min, Benoit just got 1.35M$ playing 17min. Harris will get 1.4-2M$ depending on how well he play unless his game completely drop this upcoming season. Similar thing with Xhekaj, this is pretty unique nature he is not getting 1.2M$ if he play 3rd pairing minutes.

    Upcoming contracts will all be more pricey then we are used to with the cap increasing.

  9. StoneColdMethodMan

    That’s assuming a lot of things…

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