@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Échecs en séries éliminatoires, hausse du prix des billets, fans frustrés. Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là ? Un regard intérieur sur la scène sportive misérable de Toronto

Échecs en séries éliminatoires, hausse du prix des billets, fans frustrés. Comment en sommes-nous arrivés là ? Un regard intérieur sur la scène sportive misérable de Toronto



  1. Objective_Gear_8357

    Raptors won a championship. They’re good for at least 50 years, right?

  2. EkbyBjarnum

    >The Leafs have one playoff series win since 2004, after which their general manager lit a match in his office and left.

    And I’m done reading. Dubas didn’t just give up and leave. He suggested they need to change things up and was let go by the people currently in charge.

  3. TurdFerguson06

    This city has no vision and no direction in sports. Every franchise is too afraid of losing players instead of pushing to win. Super inferiority complex. Look at Tim Leiweke is a prime example. He was here for a short while and steered each franchise in the right directions. No one has had the same cache since. But alas he left too so maybe no one wants to be here. It’s a bummer

  4. Fortuitous_Event

    We ended up here by coddling players who haven’t won jack shit.

  5. D_Jayestar

    I could live with no championships, if we were competitive, and battling deep into the playoffs… these overpaid teams can’t even win a basic round!

  6. ‘Get here’ it’s been status quo for 20 years

    Often without even making the payoffs


  7. AlittleDrinkyPoo

    Corporate ownership ( majority)and indifference to anything other than profit . Simply “good enough” /competative to continue to drive profit up is all that matters to these guys .

  8. Mustard-Horse71

    Dubas was embarrassing . Going on about his family etc. weasel. Glad they got rid of him

  9. DougFordsGamblingAds

    There are just so many sports teams. Toronto is pretty much average. Leafs obviously are a disappointment.

    Baseball? There are 30 teams. We won two titles in the past 40 years.

    Basketball? There are 30 teams. We won a title in the past 5 years.

    Soccer? There are 29 teams. We won a title in the past 10 years.

    CFL? There are 9 teams. We won a title in the past 3 years.

    Honestly for most sports that’s pretty impressive given all the inherent disadvantages of being a Canadian team in an American league.

  10. Far-Golf-4848

    Unfortunately, lack of knowledge & ambition at the ownership level really affects things. Winning is seen as a bonus, not something to ultimately strive for. Before people hit me with, “Wouldn’t they make more money if they won?” What does it really matter when you are making millions? It is not the priority of this organization.

    No organization with a real ambition & desire for excellence would keep this hockey team the same after 8 years. If the cup was really the end goal, management would have explored making changes, they might of even contemplated blowing up the team. Why? They see what we all see. The current Leafs team is a pretender, the players we have built around have fundamentally failed. Instead of making any serious decisions, what has MLSE done? Window dressing. Swap out coach, swap out old defencemen for new ones. What have they done to address their inability score? Not a damn thing.

    The team doesn’t accomplish what the fans want, but they do accomplish what ownership wants. Make the playoffs, make playoff revenue for a single series. They think small, they think safe.

  11. Pristine_Office_2773

    honestly most sports teams are a bit of an embarrassment. Toronto just has a bit higher expectations because its a big city.

  12. What have they got in common? the masters of mediocrity, Rogers.

  13. BuffytheBison

    Toronto has actually achieved relative success in sports over recent times. **From 2012** on the Leafs are the only Toronto team (out of Toronto FC, Blue Jays, the Argos, Raptors, Raptors 905, and Marlies) **to not make the semifinals of their league at least twice since that time** (with all the teams other than the Blue Jays actually also winning championships so the problem is really the Leafs.

    And the problem is that the Leafs are the only team in Toronto/the GTHA. If there were one or two other teams, the Leafs would actually face consequences for their lack of results and high ticket prices.

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