@Flyers de Philadelphie

Mason prend une pause pour boire de l’eau pendant un match en direct

Le gardien des Flyers de Philadelphie, Steve Mason, prend une pause pour boire de l’eau au milieu du jeu après avoir pensé à tort qu’un but avait été marqué contre lui par les Penguins.


  1. This kinda sorta happened to me. I was little and we had Overtime for some reason- idk why we did at my age, but i thought the other team scored so i started skating to the middle of the ice to high-five the other team. then i realized the play was still going on 😂

  2. not that it really matters, but that hit off Masons left pad and then to the right post. Most goalies wouldnt react that way if they heard two posts with no contact with the puck – theres always hope it didnt go in.

  3. man you can really see how dissapinted he was when he thought he let it in. exactly like in NHL 20 lol

  4. This is the equivalent of me thinking that I locked my car and I'm walking away, only to realize that my keys are still in the car and my door is wide open

  5. Cant believe the ref made the right call on that. In 2021 he would of called good goal and refused to review it.

  6. Clearly everyone here as never played goalie in any sport. Dude clearly took the puck on an exposed spot and he thought it went through. Literally the worst feeling in the world if the puck/ball/whatever hits you and it still goes through.

  7. This sums up Flyers goalkeeping in one video. We haven’t had a franchise goalie since Hextall…

  8. Middle school intermural floor hockey 1978-1979. There was a kid who played goalie (wore a fencing mask that kept falling off), who decided to imitate an NHL goalie (I can't remember who) by taking a walk around his net periodically. The NHL goalie did it to stretch his legs, this kid took a big lumbering walk around his net in a vain attempt to look cool. I played defense because I wasn't in the popular crowd, and defensemen were only allowed to go up to their own blue line. I scored twice from my own zone, both times from about the faceoff dot, and both against this kid. We used those orange, hollow pucks, with masking tape on them so they'd slide better. I had a hell of a wrist shot, accurate and fast, and I could rip that puck a lot harder than the tennis balls we used in driveways. The first goal I timed my shot for when he was behind the net. That thing zipped across the gym right into the middle of his net as he desperately tried to get back. The second one he was in net, but I could see he was just staring off into the distance while play was in my teams' end. So I fired a laser from my zone, it scored, came back out of the net, and was rolling around in front of him. The only person in the gym who had no idea a goal had been scored was that goalie. I didn't mind the kid so much, he had nerdish leanings like me, but that fencing mask looked so stupid he was just a goalie who deserved to be scored on.

  9. When you're playing goalie in chel and he starts acting cpu while you mash every button on the controller.

  10. The poor guy looked so defeated XD. I’m so glad he didn’t get scored on during his brief break.

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