@Red Wings de Détroit

La saison prochaine, composition de départ

J’avais du mal à visualiser nos lignes pour la saison prochaine, alors j’ai décidé d’écrire les choses et d’essayer de construire notre composition.

Quelques notes principales sur la direction que j’ai prise avec cette expérience de pensée : – Berggren, Edvinsson et Johansson sont tous inclus en fonction de la récente conférence de presse de Steve. – Cette équipe est conforme au plafond salarial malgré quelques défauts évidents comme le fait de transporter 24 joueurs et de choisir également de renoncer à Campbell. J’ai supposé 17 millions de dollars pour Mo et Raymond combinés sur leurs extensions. – Les flèches entre nos ailiers L1 et L2 signifient que nous pouvons rechercher des combinaisons optimales entre ces 4 joueurs, même si je garderais personnellement le Cat et Kane ensemble et ouvrirais la saison avec Tarasenko jouant avec Raymond. – J’ai Kasper dans l’effectif de la soirée d’ouverture. Je pense qu’il peut opérer sur une 3e ligne en tant que centre à deux voies pour commencer, et si son développement progresse, il peut se battre pour le poste de centre de deuxième ligne. – Avoir Ed inscrit sur la première paire m’effraie aussi. – Copp sur la 3e ligne signifie un surpaiement pour un 4C mais il conviendrait parfaitement à ces minutes/rôle.
-la catégorie out est essentiellement celle des joueurs qui ne jouent pas. En cas de blessure, Copp peut monter dans l’alignement en tant que centre ou ailier et Veleno peut jouer en tant que 4C. Un joueur doit quitter cette catégorie, et même si Holl est le joueur que j’aimerais le plus voir partir, je ne pense pas que couper/renoncer/racheter son contrat ait beaucoup de sens financièrement et Husso est probablement le candidat le plus susceptible d’être viré ici. Ce problème est résolu en plaçant Kasper dans les ligues mineures et en déplaçant nos autres centres vers le haut de l’alignement, mais je serais triste.

N’hésitez pas à détruire cette liste théorique, je l’ai fait parce que j’avais besoin de clarté et la conversation fera un meilleur travail que de traîner sur un bloc-notes.

TLDR : nous avons l’une des équipes de tous les temps



  1. KingFajitaa

    Formatting is a mess, my apologies for being on mobile.

  2. Flowsnice

    Veleno is on the team next season and will be our fourth line center. It really seems like Fester likes him a lot.

    This team is missing a RH defenseman to put with Ed on the second pairing and maybe one more forward for the third line.

    Not happy with Chiarot on the first pairing but he is our best choice right now.

  3. KohlWeld50

    I hope kasper or danielson makes the line up but kasper especially, it’s been long enough id say. But I’ll wait until preseason to get my hopes up

  4. Dinkin---Flicka

    That current second line you have listed is something we already tried last year and it’s when Cat went cold. We have to stick with Cat-Larkin-Raymond to start at a minimum and give them a chance to build off the end of last year where they looked dynamite. We could have a true consistent 1st line if they build off last year. I get Tarasenko and Kane on a second line is slow but maybe that’s where Kasper or Danielson comes in and bumps Tarasenko down to the 3rd or they split time. Will be interesting to see.

  5. sunshineeeeeeeeeeee_

    I have no opinion what the lines should be but Raymond needs to be wearing an A next season.

  6. TentacleHand

    I like the forwards, that’s pretty much what I’m predicting except I had Ras playing with Fischer and Copp in 4th because that allows the shutdown line some offensive looks and it worked well last season. Also Motte is on the bench and Veleno starts because in the third because of the Ras swap but I think your lines are the more realistic one.

    I also like the D but I’m afraid Lalonde is still going to overvalue Petry and play him on 2nd pair. This leaves either Johansson or Määttä out, former hurting the future of Wings and latter just being a plain mistake. But if given free reign and not worrying about most likely I think it looks neat. I think that Ed might benefit from playing in the 2nd pair as to not face the toughest matchups all the time but then again when rearranged like that the 2nd pair could shoulder some of the purely defensive shifts so it wouldn’t, probably, be too bad. 3rd pair, not knowing too much about Johansson’s play, effective and smart playing D pair, capable of moving the puck and generally playing mistake free, solid hockey.

    On the goalie side I seem to be the only guy here still thinking that Husso has the highest ceiling of the three and such should not be just sacked. That said the team is on the cusp of playoffs, we can’t afford inconsistent play from our starter as a good start to the season is important. Thus I’d start Talbot, have Husso on backup and have Lyon starting as 3rd. I would like to see all of them to get their chance and acquire enough games so that come TDL we can choose to sell the one that makes to most sense. Last season Wings carried 3 goalies and while not optimal I don’t think it hurt Wings, quite the opposite as Husso got injured. Of course, if there is a trade available for top 4 D or top 6 center, that changes things, as cap is an issue but other than that I think carrying 3 is fine, we have the roster filled and cap space for it.

    And yea, Holl and Campbell gets waived. There is no world where Holl would be the right man to put into play given the prospects Wings have, he should never see ice time. Campbell is a loss, kind of, if someone claims him but then again that’s just +/-=, nothing lost, nothing gained. I’d like to see him make it through and Wings selling him later down the line but it might be that no team is interested and he just filters through. We’ll see.

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