@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Mise à jour massive sur le transfert de Marner… Un rapport révèle la VÉRITÉ sur l’avenir de Marner | Maple Leafs de Toronto

Nick Gosse et Darius Domingues analysent une mise à jour massive sur le transfert de Mitch Marner alors que Chris Johnston, un initié, a révélé la vérité sur l’avenir de la star à Toronto. Ils discutent également de l’impact de cette situation sur les plans d’intersaison des Maple Leafs de Toronto. 0:00 Leafs News 0:40 Berube S’EXPRIME sur Marner 2:43 Marner va-t-il rester la saison prochaine ? 6:13 Marner : prolongation Rejoignez cette chaîne pour avoir accès à des avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_EUKCfhWZLk0dX4XxQaZIA/join


  1. Cant trade him? Sit him and Let him walk. Can’t afford to sign him to 12 million or more. Or the leafs are locked into this nonsense of core four for another 5-8 years and it just doesn’t work even if JT leaves changes need to be made. Why be committed to something that hasn’t worked?

    If he doesn’t get moved in the off season. Let him walk and call the 11 million you get in cap space be the return. That’s some serious d men, goalies and depth up the middle. Plus you still have Austin, Willie signed, with knies, Easton and Mitten right there.

  2. You can't trade 100 point guy because he didn't produce in the playoffs know One did that's why they had a quick exit

  3. Play hardball with him . If he walks at end of the year for nothing it frees up 11 million . Worst case scenario is still a win for the leafs . 1 year and done

  4. Trade him I want him out he is a big baby threw his gloves he need to go as same for John Tarvers dudas screw us sgin all the big money deal

  5. Completely agree with Darius; the time to move Marner was last season. I'd just let him walk for nothing if he won't move his no move; at least you get the salary back for other players that way. If they extend him it should be without a no move no trade so they can move on from him if he doesn't perform in the playoffs again. Continuing with this lineup and with that much of the cap paid to so few players is why they aren't advancing past the first round. They need secondary scoring depth or expect more of the same.

  6. Are you on crack? Should they have traded 16 when they could have last season? Yes. Do they have to re-sign him now because of it? NO!!!!!! Letting him walk gives us $10.9M in cap space. That’s far from nothing. I truly don’t understand the send good money after bad mindset. In a cap world you simply can’t give 8 figure salaries to multiple players who disappear in big moments.

  7. Booooooooooo!! Trade him!! He's a good regular season player but in playoffs he chokes. Its been like 8 years enough already.

  8. The problem in Leaf Nation is that it's not the player it's the media. One numb nut from the media reports that fans are upset with a player and the rest of them run with it. No wonder players don't want to play here it's because of all of you that report on the team.

  9. Maybe a less popular opinion but I wonder if they take a look at the team come trade deadline and if it doesn't look great then you move mitch to a contender and retain as much as possible to maximize the return. Hell you could even circle back and try to sign next year after John's up lol can't see it but crazier things have happened.

  10. I think the issue is these guys like Mitch and Matthews want shorter term deals so they can keep cashing in on the cap rising and suck any chance the team has at buiding a deep team by having team friendly conracts away. We saw WIlly sign his 8 year deal.. To me Marner should have an identical deal as Nylander. 8×11.5M take it or leave it.

  11. I dont think its imossible AT ALL to move a guy like Mitch at the trade deadline. … youre looking at a prorated amount of around 30% , 30% of 11M is around 3.5M retain 50% is 1.75M, retain another 50%thats only 850k so a team would really only need 850k worth of cap space. which alot of teams would have by simply movng a guy down or something

  12. ..The Leafs equate Marner-Mathews with McDavid-Drisaitil..and..paid accordingly..8 wasted years and no future..and..assuming good players want to come to T.O. to play with Mitch is ludicrous..the room knows what M and M are and move on..

  13. There are 190 upcoming UFA in 2025. They all (few) are traded. They just play out their contracts with their current teams. Some are resigned but many just sign somewhere else. Why do so many Leaf fans think Marner is HAS to be traded. Really it's just nonsensical.

  14. They can trade him during the trade deadline…leafs management could get a boatload for him then, and mitch will have more of a secure idea where he would wave to go by then…to inhance the value , i can see treliving retaining salary

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