@Sabres de Buffalo

[Buffalo News] Les Sabres ont-ils besoin d’un buteur après avoir recruté Ryan McLeod au centre de la troisième ligne ?

[Buffalo News] Les Sabres ont-ils besoin d’un buteur après avoir recruté Ryan McLeod au centre de la troisième ligne ?



  1. TheFerricGenum

    This depends inherently on whether or not Quinn can stay healthy and if both of Thompson and Cozens can return to form from two years ago. If we hit all those lotto numbers, the team will score more.

    That being said, every team can always use another goal scorer, so this is a ridiculous question. “Does team X need another top four shutdown defensemen?” Ummm, yes, duh

  2. Accurate_Fee710

    Try out benson or zucker on 2nd then call up Kulich

  3. duckster1974

    What seems to mostly be ignored, though it comes up occasionally here, is what will the effect of Lindy be? Another goal scorer is always a good thing but what will Lindy do with what we have?

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