@Rangers de New York

Les Rangers sont-ils finis ? 5 réflexions sur une intersaison qui s’est soudainement calmée

Pour les paywalled, les 5 pensées sont :

  1. Les grands projets de Drury pour l’intersaison ont peut-être été contrariés jusqu’à présent, avec seulement Smith et Carrick comme nouveaux joueurs. Anaheim et Winnipeg pourraient chercher à conclure des accords, mais la situation est relativement calme à l’échelle de la ligue en ce moment.

  2. Schneider est sur le point de signer un contrat de transition de 2 à 3 ans dans la fourchette de 2,5 millions de dollars par an. Lindy et l’équipe semblent tous deux d’accord pour un AAV de 4 millions de dollars, mais pas tout à fait à terme. Il y a donc un peu de travail à faire à ce niveau.

  3. Un rachat de Trouba est peu probable, et son agent semble avoir déjoué Drury sur le plan commercial. La dynamique de l’équipe est un peu confuse en ce moment, mais Trouba est probablement là pour une saison de plus. 2025-26 est une autre histoire.

  4. Jones semble prêt à avoir enfin sa chance en tant que défenseur capable de déplacer la rondelle dont nous avons désespérément besoin. Cependant, des inquiétudes subsistent quant à sa taille et à sa capacité à dégager le devant du filet.

  5. Le top 6 est établi avec Smitty le plus jeune au poste d’ailier droit sur la ligne de Mika. Il semble également que l’équipe va compter sur Chytil pour revenir en tant que 3C avec Cools et Kakko comme ailiers. Si Othmann ou Berard font partie de l’équipe, Cools pourrait glisser vers la 4e ligne avec Carrick et Vesey. Rempe et Edstrom pourraient également envisager des rôles plus importants cette saison. Apparemment, il y a eu des offres d’échange pour Kakko autour de la draft, mais Drury les a jugées trop basses. Pendant ce temps, Berard s’entraînera avec son ami Matty Beniers cet été.



  1. KaapoKakkoTaco

    We just won the presidents trophy & a full season with healthy Chytil and Fox would be nice

  2. PaulMarnersFurHat

    Spittin Chiclets said it best today on the podcast. The Rangers were left with their dick in hand on signing day. The offseason has been a huge disappointment.

  3. Anyawnomous

    I believe we will position ourselves well through the regular season and make splash at the trade deadline. LGR! Can’t wait!

  4. labinnac_esproc_02

    Sigh. They’re done. Doesn’t matter what they did or not did this offseason. I have no faith in our top guys. (20,93,10) They clearly do not have what it takes to win in big situations. They do not have the will, or ability to adapt and overcome. Defense is in shambles, team plays with no drive or balls. “doOmEr” nah. Realist

    Now I want to come back to this post and say “haha you idiot!”

  5. 09-24-11

    Schneider $2.5 AAV for 2-3 years would be phenomenal.

    Lindgren $4 AAV with term scares me. Edit: I’ve seen him projected to get more in AAV so I’m concerned about it being too long or having a NMC added.

  6. Beerfoodbeer

    The teams that signed some of those deals in a year or two are gonna be smashing their heads against a brick wall. Did we make a splash, no but we also did not overpay grotesquely like some other teams did for talent that was not worth the money and term that it got. There is always the trading deadline.

  7. Formisonic

    Smith is better than Roslo.

    Healthy Chytil is better than Wennberg.

    It takes some faith on my part, but Jones can bring a skill set that’s missing on the left side, possibly even better than Gus.

    We’re poised to compete for the East crown again as is. If we can take a big swing on a Lindy replacement using his and Trouba’s money, we can be an absolute wagon.

  8. Wingnutt02

    I believe the dirty move to get Goodrow out negatively impacted their free agency recruitment.

  9. gimmer0074

    would much rather remps or brodz be on the 4th line than carrick

  10. jkman61494

    I’m shocked I say SHOCKED that Drury managed to bungle the Trouba trade attempt

  11. r1plakish

    Jones is the same size as Fox and Makar and he’s bigger than Hughes but whatever.

  12. SeeDeez

    Never really thought we were going to be in the market for any of the top names.

    And considering how tight-lipped Drury’s office has always been, its not surprising in the least that its quiet. He could trade for McDavid tomorrow and none of the beat writers would have had any idea it was in the works.

  13. Dig-Duglett

    i can live with trouba being here another season. if he’s here another season and AGAIN is the weakest link on our defense then my patience, or the fanbases’ for that matter, won’t last long.

  14. Ch33zw4g0n


  15. Educational_Doubt_80

    I keep reading posts that suggests players doesn’t find it attractive to sign with the Rangers, is that really the case?! I’m Swede and been a fan since the 80s, over here, playing for the Rangers is considered THE dream location.

  16. blueline7677

    End of the day there wasn’t an opportunity to make big changes to the team and actually make the team better. We tried but we couldn’t make it work. It happens. We are still one of the top teams in the league

  17. Necdurgogan75

    How is Jones’ size still a concern? He’s played against some of the bigger heavier teams and been fine. Much like Fox, who he’s about the same size as; he’s great at putting himself in position to avoid contact or taking a big hit. He leverages his body very well for someone his size and rarely ever gets pushed around. He’s going to be fine, just make him a permanent fixture in the roster already

  18. sidiculouz

    Ya they are done. Do you see hockey on tv? They’ll be back in September for the preseason

  19. StyllAhlie

    Schneider at $2.5M is perfect, if we somehow got him to go 3 years instead of 2 for close to that figure that’s a huge win given the potential upside with a 2nd pair role moving forward.

  20. d1rtydutch

    People probably aren’t very familiar with Reilly Smith but he is certainly and upgrade and very good regardless of his underperforming with the pens last year. This team will be very good again, and likely will re-tool a bit again at the deadline depending on what an Otter or Sykora may surprise with.

  21. Carlo201318

    Rangers big add will happen at the trade deadline this year

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