@Canadiens de Montréal

[KHL & Euro Talk] Aucun changement ici. Seule l’équipe de la LNH doit négocier avec le club de la KHL si un joueur est sous contrat. S’ils parviennent à un accord, le joueur peut signer dans la LNH. L’accord peut inclure des frais de transfert.

[KHL & Euro Talk] Aucun changement ici. Seule l’équipe de la LNH doit négocier avec le club de la KHL si un joueur est sous contrat. S’ils parviennent à un accord, le joueur peut signer dans la LNH. L’accord peut inclure des frais de transfert.



  1. fortytwoanswers

    Is this not a huge change? Not an expert on this but my understanding is that previously the player had to buy out their remaining KHL contract, which led to shady deals where the NHL team compensates them (or someone on their behalf) for the buyout (speculation that this is what happened with Michkov).

    Allowing the NHL team to negotiate directly feels like a huge shift — if Demidov isn’t on SKA’s KHL roster next year, KH could now feasibly pay them to bring him to NA, right?

  2. Professional_Mode804

    > No changes here.

    Does this not mean it’s the same as before? Further down they say that the only change is with Khl to Nhl transfers.
    > Generally, transfers KHL ▶️ NHL will work as earlier.

  3. ukrainianhab

    Transfer fee to the player or club? You can’t give money to SKA that’s breaking sanctions with SKA Gazprom owners.

    Flyers and Michkov there was no fee. It shouldn’t be an issue.

  4. _Saputawsit_

    A transfer fee…

    Paid to SKA St. Petersburg… 

    Who’s owned by a Russian state enterprise under international sanctions…

    I for one don’t want to see my team’s owner going to federal prison for getting on the US State Department’s bad side. Either we wait a year for Demidov or we smuggle him out like Malkin, but I have a feeling we won’t be making any payments to Gazprom any time soon. 

  5. Short term pain for long term gain.

    I am as eager as everyone to see Demidov with our team.

    He will benefit strongly from playing in SKA and starting at 19yo.

  6. nhabster

    Plot twist: Drafted for the war, front lines!!!

    Just relax peeps

  7. StoneColdMethodMan

    Can someone ELI5 what’s the difference between before and now?

  8. hockeynoticehockey

    Open up the vault, Geoff.

    I’m wondering if it would contravene any sanctions currently in place over Ukraine.

    Regardless, if we can get him here, get him.

  9. zzzzoooo

    Any idea how much Flyers paid to terminate Michkov’s contract earlier ?

  10. HotdogAficionado

    How stoked would I be if the habs did this for Demidov this summer?

  11. DrLivingst0ne

    This is probably not going to happen to Demidov. He needs one more year anyway.

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