@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Comment voyez-vous l’évolution de la situation de Mitch Marner ? | Jay sur SC

Mark Masters rejoint SC avec Jay Onrait pour partager comment il pense que la saga Mitch Marner se déroulera au cours des prochains mois, s’il pense que les ajouts d’agents libres en défense ont réparé la ligne bleue des Leafs, s’il pense que le duo de gardiens de but de Joseph Woll et Anthony Stolarz est assez bon, et les chances qu’Easton Cowan fasse partie de l’effectif de Toronto la saison prochaine.


  1. How is anybody excited for this year, the same core of forwards who continually can’t get it done in the playoffs, we know exactly what’s going to happen..

  2. The Core 4 guarantees a 100+ point season and a playoff spot.
    Still a weak defence and goaltending that will look good in the regular season.

  3. So if they get eliminated first round? Run in it again? I mean they are clearly nuts. Good players good players it's hard to get good players. What a joke!

  4. Shanny has got to go! What was he thinking handing over the Leafs to a rookie GM and coach beats the fuck outta me! Dubas stripped the cupboards and people are wondering why Tre didn’t make more moves

  5. If Marner’s next year’s playoff performance improves to a level – where the Leafs Core 4 takes the Leafs to the Eastern Conference Final – then with that promise/hope maybe the Leafs should resign Marner.

    If Marner screws up again next spring in the playoffs – resigning Marner for the long term is likely a mistake. 😀

  6. Marner was dangling during the all-star game… I just wish this guy was fearless and tried these plays with confidence in the playoffs. He just locks up, he needs to loosen up, play less tight, carefree…. in the 83rd game!!

  7. If they resign Marner, they’ll lose at least one lifelong Leaf fan based purely on principle. This is incredibly disrespectful to their legions of loyal fans.

  8. Fixed the defence? Added a couple guys on the wrong side of 30, and a guy who may or may not be able to play. Great solution…..ummmm no.

  9. It's so crazy to think they will try and resign Marner. Like when Marner and Tavares see gone we have 20some mil to use to sign knies, mintin, and Cowan and Robertson long term. Like crucial signings.

  10. Granted it's only July, but they've done virtually nothing 😂. The ball is in marners court and he's well within his rights to run out his term.

  11. I wouldn’t trade marner for nothing, it’s a contract year, he will play well, from there we see if he’s worth resigning. I’d give him 9 mil now, nothing more

  12. Tanev deal is stupid. The guy is 34 years old and has a no trade 6 year contract. This organization is a joke.

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