@Blue Jackets de Columbus

La dernière vidéo de TheHockeyGuy (grommellement hors saison) présente les Jackets comme la deuxième pire franchise.

La dernière vidéo de TheHockeyGuy (grommellement hors saison) présente les Jackets comme la deuxième pire franchise.



  1. TheFuns

    I know he ranks the Panthers as 27/32, so take it for what it’s worth. I thought this would be a good discussion to have given the wait for the news on coach and Laine, which has resulted in zilch and I need a distraction.

  2. ShartRat

    Can’t really argue against it. Our only claim to fame in the postseason is the greatest sweep in history but apart from that we’ve been a mediocre franchise for our whole existence. At least we have an incredible future brewing but in terms of today it’s a valid ranking for us.

  3. Mr_Bricksss

    I mean he’s not wrong.

    Up until 2009ish the franchise was a joke and was by far the least competitive team for the entire 2000-2010 decade.

    The following decade they had a peak of about 5 years where they advanced past the first round of the playoffs exactly two times.

    It’s really hard to argue that any NHL franchise has been worse over the last 25 years.

  4. bucknuts34

    I always have said this, in the time the Jackets have existed they’re in the running for worst organization /least successful in all 4 major North American sports, it’s been that bad

    Who’s #1 in his rankings as worst?

  5. mickeyhause

    He’s not wrong. In 24 years we have one series win. The only franchise worse than us is the Coyotes and that’s because they’ve been to terribly run and ran out of every home they had

  6. ElevenIron

    CBJ have had bad coaching and bad mgmt for decades, but they’ve also had incredibly bad luck as well throughout their entire existence.

    Last of the 1998-2000 expansion teams and the abysmal entry draft rules back then that hobbled the team for years.

    Have never won the draft (traded up to get Nash) and thus have never won that generational player like almost every other franchise has had, some more than once (cough…EDM).

    Had to compete against NHL dynasties like the 00’s Red Wings and 10’s Penguins.

    Stupid playoff seeding rules forcing CBJ’s best team ever (2016-2017, 108 pts!, Bob’s 2nd Vezina) to play against a generational Pittsburgh team in the 1st round instead of 6th place Ottawa (though props to the Sens who lost to the Penguins in 2OT in game 7 of the ECF).

    Every playoff series loss has been to teams that either made the SCF or won the cup altogether.

    Injuries on top of injuries since forever.

    Make it make sense.

  7. Wonderful-Media-2000

    Second worst is first winner!

  8. NikoSpiro

    The truth hurts, but it is reality. Fanbase is definitely top 10, City is best kept secret if you want to raise a Family, play great golf courses, catch an airline flight, or maneuver thru traffic. Ownership prides itself on patience and loyalty but doesn’t have a great mirror to do self critique.

    Let’s hope this last hire can get us respectable and productive on the winning side.

  9. Erazzphoto

    Can’t argue it at all. A hands off ownership is good if you’ve hired the right people, it’s crystal clear we have not

  10. Grenzeloos

    Didn’t he have us winning the cup this year? Vegas, Vegas, Jackets from his video 3-4 years ago.

  11. thelordcommanderKG

    1 and 2 turn me into the joker. He’s correct but they just kill me. Before the Blue Jackets existed I was a Wings fans bc my dad grew up in Traverse City. I wouldn’t be into hockey if it wasn’t for the 90’s Red Wings. NGL them being good made it really easy to get into the game and although they regularly pushed the Jackets down the stairs when we were trying to come up, their recent humbling makes it hard for me to hate my former home team but it also makes it easy to just focus on the Jackets.

    That isn’t true for the Penguins at all. For pretty much the entirety of the time I have watched hockey they have been the golden boys of the NHL. They will always bring up their distant past bad years but there are so few that it’s hard to take it seriously. They dont even have a 30 year old fan that can remember the « bad times. » The numbers don’t lie but I hate it so much lol


    I agree, we are definitely the worst franchise in the NHL currently (unless you count Arizona)

    That being said, i’m hopeful about the future with Waddell. I think our prospect pool right now is the best its been in franchise history.

  13. Navyblazers2000

    We have the worst record in the league since we came into the league. I can’t even argue with Hockey Guy. Actually kind of want to thank him for not putting us last.

  14. u_bum666

    That almost feels generous. We are a deeply unserious franchise, and kind of always have been.

  15. nshannon216

    Well…Shannon’s not wrong. Love his unbiased analysis

  16. soiledmeNickers

    As a Browns fan, I can absolutely assure you next year is our year.

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