@Blues de Saint-Louis

RIP Andreï Tarasenko

RIP Andreï Tarasenko



  1. Vanscoten

    He was only 23 years older than Vladimir, and I believe they were quite close. That’s very sad for him, and his family.

  2. daKile57

    What a shame.

    I just realized he was playing hockey in Kazakhstan at the same time Borat was being filmed. Nice.

  3. Doomstang

    That’s tough, as someone that lost their father way too soon, it’s something on your mind every single day. I hope they didn’t have any unresolved arguments, trips that they had put off, etc.
    Stay strong Vova!

  4. Jackson79339

    Condolences from the Lou to you and yours Vladi. In our thoughts and prayers.

  5. radsherm

    Ugh that’s awful. Are his grandparents still alive? I remember he spent a lot of time growing up living with them when his dad was off playing. Having, what, 4 sons himself (ik one is a stepson, but he was pretty much his dad, right?) I wonder how he treats the rest of his career. He still has some in the tank but I could see him sticking around some place as a « role player » just for the stability.

  6. Ok_Use_5103

    We love you, Vladi and family ❤️

  7. STLBooze3

    I’m glad his dad could see him become a 2x cup winner. T&P for Vladi and the Tarasenko family.

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