Alors, dans le cadre de mon travail d’été à Calgary, je livre du vin et des spiritueux à domicile. La semaine dernière, j’ai dû apporter deux fûts chez Josh Morrisey et malheureusement, il n’était pas là.
Cependant, j’ai pu discuter avec lui au téléphone car je devais savoir où le mettre et c’est à ce moment-là que je lui ai dit que j’étais un grand fan de lui (je le regarde depuis les Mondiaux juniors) et il a été vraiment gentil et m’a remercié pour tous les gentils commentaires que j’ai faits.
C’est aujourd’hui que je devais retourner chez lui pour récupérer les fûts vides et là où il était à la maison cette fois-ci. Le mec était super cool et sympa et il a même signé un de ses bâtons de hockey et me l’a donné !!! Je l’ai beaucoup remercié pour cela et j’ai passé la meilleure journée grâce à lui. C’est un être humain génial ainsi qu’un joueur bien sûr, il est certainement un futur gagnant du trophée Norris.
One of the true gentlemen in the game.
Not only a great hockey player, but a great person! Glad you had such a positive interaction with him! 😊
The Calgary boys are beuticians, him and Lowry
Norrissey is an genuinely great guy. Ive met him a couple times and he’s super chill.
Morrissey seemed like an awesome guy when I met him as well. Easily the most approachable of the Jets that I’ve met.
Stupid Sexy Morrissey
The chillest of dudes. And a heck of a defenceman to boot!
It looks like you had been playing street hockey with your friends and he came over to say hi
What a beauty. The guy in backward red cap is okay too.
Can’t tell if it’s a sunny day or just JMo’s beaming smile!
Great, now his house is going to get robbed.
Log cabin fantasy #99 incoming
My bro how big is your head!?!?? That snapback is only done up 3 notches!!
That’s awesome!
That’s our Norrissey.
What a beauty. Wish I can shake his hand one say just for being such an awesome player but an even better human.
It’s too bad you couldn’t visit him at the log cabin, shit gets wild down there.
Seriously though good stuff, JoMo is a legend and he gave you a signed stick to boot, I would’ve been over the moon.
Really good guy. Loves Winnipeg but Calgary and is his home. We’re lucky to have him.
I’m not gay, but I want to live in a log cabin in the woods with Josh Morrissey. We won’t ever have sex, but there will be a simmering erotic undercurrent as I stand in the kitchen window watching him practice defence in the driveway and shooting pucks shirtless, sweat pouring off his body. I’ll run upstairs and masturbate, the entire time forcing myself to think of women while my thoughts drift back to Daddy Morrissey. I won’t be able to climax and I’ll eventually go back downstairs, angry and sexually frustrated. Sometimes we will look across the table at dinner and catch each other’s eyes, and in that second, anything is possible, but we both deny ourselves and go back to what we were doing. One day one of us will die, and the other will bury him outside the log cabin. Then he’ll go inside, pen a brief missive to his departed friend, and commit suicide, never able to deal with life without his one true platonic love.
So…..former Canucks fan now?
That’s an awesome story! Glad you got to meet him. Thanks for sharing!
I used to see him around our downtown every so often when I lived on Hargrave and walked past the arena to work everyday
Nice!!! Thanks for sharing!