@Ligue nationale de hockey

John Chayka a-t-il le potentiel pour redevenir directeur général dans la LNH ?

Le gars a 35 ans et a déjà 5 ans d’expérience en tant que directeur général dans la LNH, alors pourquoi pas ? Les équipes embauchent des anciens directeurs généraux tout le temps.



  1. Canadian_Samurai50

    The dude quit the day before the Stanley Cup playoffs started

  2. n00b_racer

    I feel like the consensus is that he really wasn’t a good GM and not all that qualified for the first job he got so no

  3. Ecruteak-vagrant

    The guy who was more focused on running his franchise Wendy’s and pseudoscience? No way. It’s honestly insane anyone ever looked at him as a modern analytics driven GM. The dude lost draft picks because he tried to do illegal testing on combine attendees and we still have no idea on the specifics of them. Was he out here measuring skulls like someone at a human auction? Who’s to say.

  4. Aelderg0th

    Fuck no. He only understands stats, not the game or the people who coach and play it.

  5. LePetitJeremySapoud

    If Wendy’s ever become a hockey franchise then sure

  6. Penz_YaPigeon

    No. However if Chirelli and Hextal can get hired multiple times 💀

  7. MNGopherfan

    Man was a disaster and can be half blamed for the coyotes getting moved. The team having to go into a second rebuild after they had been trying to emerge from the previous one was all because of his moves.

  8. imaybeacatIRl



    He was fucking abysmal. He illegally tested players fitness before the draft and lost their franchise a 1st and 2nd round draft pick.

    No one will ever hire him to be a GM.

  9. CompetitivePissKink

    You and I have a better chance

  10. Many forget don waddell was seen as a bit of a joke after the Thrashers (boris vakabik etc.) then went years between gm roles

    He wasn’t even entirely an AGM between it

    Scouting mostly so


    If you asked someone this about waddell in 2010 they’d laugh but he’s actually been relatively ok overall this time around

  11. Yeah the key is how things are changing to welcome analytics more with Tulsky naturally at the forefront Dubas holding coattails

    Chayka unfortunately representing a realm of analytics that is more about scouting combine stuff than xG (sigh🙄) but

    Yeah almost certainly tho very likely agm

  12. Funny how noone remembers how chayka took keller *and* chych in his first draft then snagged POJ in his second draft at 23rd overall

    Pepperidge farm remembers

    The first two were seen as hit or miss by other GMs not really for any good reason and john doesn’t get enough credit for that

    Pepperidge farm was so geeked about an analytically minded gm taking the players he had ranked 1 & 2nd best available

    Anyhow yeah chayka narrative overblown

  13. mynameiskyletho

    I see John found out about Reddit and is shitposting/testing the waters for another shot

  14. canuck_11

    Fans wanted him to succeed because it made them feel like they could also be an NHL GM. He was a disaster.

  15. peanutbuttertuxedo

    Are you representing him or thinking of representing him?

  16. Darth_K-oz

    Due to the NHL being the revolving door it is… There’s a better chance he’s a GM again than myself

  17. cheeseball209

    Is it just me or does he look like the corporate villain of a 90’s movie in this pic?

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